How we build, perceive, experience, and share spaces
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Italo Svevo
Mind the gap is an impromptu idea by Noga and Ale, patched together with minimal resources kindly made available by SISSA. You are welcome to join and to contribute, but let us know in advance, with an email to

If you can come eg Sunday 19 not too late you may be interested in the Frida Kahlo - the Chaos Within exhibit (not to be confused with Noga's talk).

Me, her, the Other (Io, lei, l’altra – Ritratti e autoritratti fotografici di donne artiste) is an exhibit of photographs by women artists, at the Magazzino delle Idee in downtown Trieste, open until June 26: Wanda Wulz to Cindy Sherman, Florence Henri to Nan Goldin.

Also Bloomsday, on June 16, will be celebrated in Trieste, care of the local Joyce museum, up to Sunday included. Ulysses came out 100 years ago, while La Coscienza di Zeno is refreshingly 99 years young.

And closing on June 19, too, is the exhibit From the Uffizi to Miramare: Titian's Madonna of the Roses and the Habsburg Collections between Vienna and Florence, in the splendid setting of Miramare castle..