Mathematical Methods of Quantum Mechanics @ SISSA

winter-spring 2017
Mathematical Methods in Quantum Statistical Physics
lecturer: Alessandro Michelangeli
course web page

fall 2016
Mathematical Quantum Mechanics I
lecturer: Alessandro Michelangeli
course web page

fall 2016
Introduction to C*-algebras and applications
lecturer: Koenrad van den Dugen

course web page

spring 2016
Introduction to scattering theory for Schrödinger equations
lecturer: Kenji Yajima

course web page

winter-spring 2016
Many-body Quantum Dynamics and Effective Evolution Equations
lecturer: Peter Pickl

course web page

Introduction to Spectral Geometry
lecturer: Gustavo De Oliveira

course web page

winter 2015-2016
Mathematical Quantum Mechanics
lecturer: Alessandro Michelangeli
course web page

fall 2015
Conceptual and Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
lecturer: Gianfausto Dell'Antonio

course web page

winter-spring 2015
Self-adjoint Operators in Mathematical Physics
lecturer: Alessandro Michelangeli
course web page

winter 2014-2015
Quantum Mechanics and Operator Algebras
lecturer: Gherardo Piacitelli
course web page

fall 2014
Topics in the mathematics of Quantum Mechanics
lecturer: Gianfausto Dell'Antonio
course web page

