JUNE 16 to 22, 2007

Supported by Nankai University

Scientific and organizing committees: Bai Chengming, Zhang Weiping, Ugo Bruzzo, Bumsig Kim.

The College on Mirror Symmetry is jointly organized by the Chern Institute of Nankai University and by the Mathematical Physics and Geometry group of the International School for Advanced Studie in Trieste. It is intended as a preparation to the Workshop on Recent Trends in Mirror Symmetry that will take place at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study in Seoul on June 25 to 29, 2007.

The programme will start in the morning of June 16 and will end on June 22. Therefore the suggested arrival day is June 15 and the departure day June 23.

At the moment the scientific programme includes lectures given by C. Bartocci (Genova) and B. Kim (KIAS Seoul).

Accommodation: Participants will be accommodated in the Nankai Guest House.

For information please write to Bai Cheng-Ming  ( and/or Ugo Bruzzo (

Link to the College page in Tianjin

Link to the WAGP07 page in Seoul