scovazze in Piazza dell'Unità

Sympose-it-Yourself: Neural Theories for the Acquisition of Grammar, Morphology, And...

Downloadable papers: 

Francesco P Battaglia and Cyriel M Pennartz
The construction of semantic memory: grammar-based representations learned from relational episodic information
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 5: Art 36, 2011
Silvia Benavides-Varela, David M Gomez, Francesco Macagno, Ricardo AH Bion, Isabelle Peretz and Jacques Mehler
Memory in the neonate brain
PLoS ONE 6: e27497, 2011
Cedric Boeckx and Antonio Benitez-Burraco
The shape of the human language-ready brain
Frontiers in Psychology 5: Art. 282, 2014
Maria Kambaranos and Kleanthes K Grohmann
More general all-purpose verbs in children with specific language impairment? Evidence from Greek for not fully lexical verbs in language development
Applied Psycholinguistics in press: 1-29, 2014
Alistair Knott
Syntactic structures as descriptions of sensorimotor processes
Biolinguistics 8: 1-52, 2014
Ritwik Kulkarni, Susan Rothstein and Alessandro Treves
A statistical investigation into the cross-linguistic distribution of mass and count nouns: morphosyntactic and semantic perspectives
Biolinguistics 7: 132–168, 2013
Alan Langus and Marina Nespor
Cognitive systems struggling for word order
Cognitive Psychology 60: 291-318, 2010
Giuseppe Longobardi
A minimalist program for parametric linguistics?
in H. Broekhuis, N. Corver, M. Huybregts, U. Kleinhenz, and J. Koster (eds.) Organizing Grammar: Linguistic Studies for Henk van Riemsdijk, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, 407-414, 2005
Lorenzo Magrassi, Giuseppe Aromataris, Alessandro Cabrini, Valerio Annovazzi-Lodi and Andrea Moro
Sound representation in higher language areas during
language generation

Proc. Natl. Aca. Sci. USA 112: 1868-1873, 2015
Pamela Perniss and Gabriella Vigliocco
The bridge of iconicity: From a world of experience to the experience of language
Phil. Trans. Roy Soc. B 19: 1651, 2014
Edmund T Rolls and Gustavo Deco
Beyond memory and perception to how the syntax for language might be implemented in the brain Brain Research: doi 10.1016/j.brainres.2014.09.021, 2014
Chiara Zanini, Giorgio Arcara and Francesca Franzon
Measuring the distribution of mass and count nouns.
A comparison between a rating study and a corpus based analysis
abstract in press

Further plans to be formulated later; meanwhile please write with inquiries to ale at sissa dot it

             First version produced on April 27, 2014