Registration Form Categorical Methods in Geometry and Gauge Theory Chern Institute, Nankai University, Tianjin, China 29 August - 3 September 2010 Please complete and email to e-mail: AND 1. Full Name: (last) (first) (middle) 2. Date and Place of Birth: (day/month/year) (Place) 3. Gender: Nationality: 4. Affiliation: 5. Title: 6. Passport Number: Valid until 7. Permanent Address: Mailing Address (if different from above) 8. Telephone number (including international code): Fax number (including international code): 9. E-mail address: 10. Intended duration of visit From to in China From to in Nankai 11. Accompanying persons Name Relationship Passport number Valid until 12. I would like to present a contribution to scientific program (YES/NO) If YES, tentative title