
Piasini E*, Soltuzu L*, Muratore P, Caramellino R, Vinken K, Op De Beeck H, Balasubramanian V & Zoccolan D§ (2021). Temporal stability of stimulus representation increases along rodent visual cortical hierarchies. Nature Comm. 12, 4448 [link] [pdf]

Matteucci G, Riggi M & Zoccolan D (2020). A template-matching algorithm for laminar identification of cortical recording sites from evoked response potentials. J. Neurophys. 124, 102-114 [link]

Matteucci G & Zoccolan D (2020). Unsupervised experience with temporal continuity of the visual environment is causally involved in the development of V1 complex cells. Science Adv. 6(22), eaba3742 [link] [pdf] [seminar]

Vanzella W, Grion N, Bertolini D, Perissinotto A, Gigante M & Zoccolan D (2019). A passive, camera-based head-tracking system for real-time, three-dimensional estimation of head position and orientation in rodents. J. Neurophys. 122, 2220-2242 [link]

Matteucci G, Bellacosa Marotti R, Riggi M, Rosselli FB & Zoccolan D (2019). Nonlinear processing of shape information in rat lateral extrastriate cortex. J. Neurosci. 39, 1649-1670 [link] [pdf]

Vascon S, Parin Y, Annavini E, D’Andola M, Zoccolan D & Pelillo M (2018). Characterization of visual object representations in rat primary visual cortex. In Leal-Taixe‘ L, Roth S (eds.) Computer Vision - ECCV 2018 Workshops. ECCV 2018. Lect. Notes Comp. Science 11131, 577-586 [link] [preprint]

Nikbakht N, Tafreshiha A, Zoccolan D & Diamond ME (2018). Supralinear and supramodal integration of visual and tactile signals in rats: psychophysics and neuronal mechanisms. Neuron 97, 626-639 [link] [pdf] [commentary]

Tafazoli S, Safaai H, De Franceschi G, Rosselli FB, Vanzella W, Riggi M, Buffolo F, Panzeri S & Zoccolan D (2017). Emergence of transformation-tolerant representations of visual objects in rat lateral extrastriate cortex. eLife 2017;6:e22794 [link] [pdf] [commentary]

Baldassi C, Alemi-Neissi A, Pagan M, DiCarlo JJ, Zecchina R & Zoccolan D (2013). Shape similarity, better than semantic membership, accounts for the structure of visual object representations in a population of monkey inferotemporal neurons. PLoS Comput. Biol. 9(8): e1003167 [link] [pdf]

Li N, Cox DD, Zoccolan D & DiCarlo JJ (2009). What response properties do individual neurons need to underlie object recognition in clutter? J. Neurophys. 102, 360-376 [link] [pdf]

Zoccolan D, Kouh M, Poggio T & DiCarlo JJ (2007). Trade-off between object selectivity and tolerance in monkey inferotemporal cortex. J. Neurosci. 27, 12292-12307 [link] [pdf] [Supp Inf]

Zoccolan D*, Cox DD* & DiCarlo JJ (2005). Multiple object response normalization in monkey inferotemporal cortex. J. Neurosci. 25, 8150-64 [link] [pdf]