Home Research Publications

Research Interests

  • Numerical analysis of partial differential equations.
  • Modelling and numerical simulation in biomedicine
  • Funded Research Projects

    Dealii-X - an Exascale Framework for Digital Twins of the Human Body. Horizon-EuroHPC project 101172493 - €2M (€150K SISSA) EU Funding

    HIRING! Research position on Efficient numerical solution of multiphysics problems in biomedicine.

    The SISSA dealii-X group is led by A. Cangiani and includes P. Africa and G. Rozza. The group is renowed for the development of polytopic FEMs and reduced order modelling and is involved in the modelling of the cardiovascular system. The postdoc will contribute to the efficient implementation of these powerful and flexible methods within the deal.II library for the solution of multiphysics problems in complex domains. Tasks include:

    Past projects

    LOng-Term anatomical fluid dynamics for new Univentricular heartS palliation (LOTUS), 2019-21. MRC: MR/T017988/1 - £398K.

    Virtual Element Method, 2014-16. EPSRC: EP/L022745/1 - £122K.