- LOng-Term anatomical fluid dynamics for new Univentricular heartS palliation 2019-21. MRC: MR/T017988/1 - £322K.
VEM - Virtual Element Method 2014-16. EPSRC: EP/L022745/1 - £99K.
Guillaume Bonnet (postdoc, 2022)
Marco Feder (2024)
Ankur Ankur (postdoc, 2024-26)
Alessandro Vici (current)
@ U. of Nottingham
Zak Crowson (postdoc, 2020-2021)
Harry Wells (2023)
@ U. of Leicester
Ganesh G. Diwan (postdoc, 2014-16)
Stephen Metcalfe (2015)
Zhaonan P. Dong (2016)
Samuel Cox (2017)
Younis A. Sabawi (2017)
Oliver J. Sutton (2017)
Mohammad Sabawi (2018)