Request for a letter of reference for XXX Dear Professor ..., Your student XXX has applied for a PhD position in the European Network MAWI (Matter-Wave Interferometers). The main focus of the project main interest lies in matter-wave optics using Bose Einstein Condensates with view towards matter-wave interferometry. More informations are at website If you would be so kind, we would like to learn about your opinion of XXX. We would be especially grateful if you were to comment on the following points: - In what context do you know him/her? - If you think can be useful, would you please be so kind to give me a little bit of information about yourself? - Does XXX have the ability to work independently? - What are his/her qualities as a team player? - How are his/her analytic/experimental skills, especially his/her ability to work herself into a new subject? - Does he/she have the ability to take initiative? - How would you rank him/her compared to your own students? - How does him/her compare nationally and internationally? [Please don't hesitate to contact us any time, if you have any questions or if you prefer to tell your opinion in person e.g. via zoom.] Best wishes