Dear all, thanx for coming to the ... meeting at SISSA. We have now about ... participants to the meeting. relevant information below. for new sub-scribers, please subscribe to the doodle: ... Location SISSA, Main Building, Via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste. map attached. Seventh floor, large panoramic room. See below in Hotels for directions from the downtown where hotels are to SISSA. Once at SISSA, at the gate just after the main entrance to the campus, go left. you'll find a few steps and a door on your right, entering the SISSA main building. enter, immediately after you'll find elevators. get to the seventh floor! people there ("the presidio tecnico") is of course informed of your arrival and the meeting. Getting there from the airport. From the airport. Taxi gets you to sissa or your hotel directly; quite expensive, about 50-60 €. The most convenient way to get to the downtown is through the ACT bus number 51 (stop on your right when you exit from the airport), ticket is about 3 €. It leaves every 30 minutes and leaves you at the end of the line, which is the central train and bus station. A map is attached showing how to walk from there to the 38 Bus Stop which brings you to SISSA. The ticket is separate, and it costs 1.1 €. You can get it at the central station where the bus leaves you. Internet Accounts One week before the meeting, we will be activating one Computer Account for accessing the web for each non-SISSA meeting participant. Upon arrival, you will be given a badge with instructions how to get connected. For internal security rules, we will also need a copy of your ID which may be delivered to the System Manager anytime during the week. Remote attending. There will be a videoconferencing system setup for Friday, all day. See the attached file for instructions how to get connected. Social events ... Eating and drinking SISSA cafeteria, probably anticipating rush hour, we recommend 12:30. we could also plan for a pizza lunch on wednesday 15th, in the pizzeria which is close to sissa. Coffee breaks will be offered by SISSA twice a day, at 10:30 and 16:00. dinners are on our own! Hotels here below you find a list of Hotels we recommend for your venue to Trieste. The new SISSA campus is located in Via Bonomea 236, I-34136, Trieste. A bus, number 38, leaving from Piazza Oberdan, connects the downtown where Hotels are located (list below) and SISSA (end of the line). The ticket is 1.1 E/ride. bus timetable can be found at: and is attached here. Hotels listed below have special rates for SISSA guests, and are listed in order of distance from the bus station. The walk distance ranges between 10 seconds and 10 min. Special rates are only accessible if the booking is made by our secretary, Lorena Bencina, bencina at, in copy. She kindly agreed to do the booking for you. At your earliest convenience, send an e-mail to her with the following information. She will reply as soon as the booking is done. If you have special requests, please let us know. name, first and second hotel you prefer, arrival date, departure date, room type (single, double) number and names (and age for children) of accompanying persons. we assume breakfast included and no-smoking, unless specified otherwise. HOTELS (provided infos are approximate, you're welcome to check directly with the hotel page through google): Alla Posta, Piazza Oberdan, 1, *** 80-110, Italia, Via Geppa 15, ***, 80-110 €, Abbazia, Via Geppa 20, ***, 80-120 €, Impero, Via Anastasio 1, ***, 85-110 €, Roma, Via Ghega 7, ***, 80-100 €, Centro, Via Roma 13, **, 55-70 €, NH Hotel Trieste, Viale Cavour 7, 80-130, Al Viale, Via Nordio 5,, Continentale, Via San Nicolo' 25, ****, 85-120, Duchi D'Aosta, Piazza Unita' d'Italia 2, ****. 150-200 €