1) tutor assignment: the tutor research area should be distant from the topic of interest of the student. 2) tutor tasks: 2.1) meet the student at the beginning of courses for making a plan of the courses for which he/she will substain the exam and get credits: doing exams for the courses of the first term is mandatory; the rest of exams should be decided in such a way that 50% of them are not related to the student scientific interest. attendance of all courses is mandatory. 2.2) check that the student attend journal clubs and seminars. 2.3) stimulate the selection of a supervisor: deadline for that is end of june. stimulate to use the sector brainstorming as a stimulus for finalizing the choice. 2.4) staff meetings at the end of sector councils starting in january are used by tutors reporting on the assigned students, monitoring that the choice of supervisors reflects a selection of thesis topics as wide as possible. 3) assignment for students selected in 2011: aversa assigned to salucci, calabrese assigned to liberati, cheng assigned to sotiriou, tang assigned to perrotta.