Matteo Bertolini: Supersymmetry Book SISSA Home

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This book emerged from a graduate course that I have been teaching for several years at SISSA. While primarily aimed at graduate students, advanced undergraduate students may also find the book useful, as well as researchers working in high energy physics and related areas.

The book is available from World Scientific (use discount code WSAUTHOR30 to get 30% off!).

Here I collect misprints, which I will try to amend in possible reprints.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Foreword
  • 1 Supersymmetry: a Bird's Eye View
    What is supersymmetry?
    Why supersymmetry?
    Some useful textbooks
  • 2. The Supersymmetry Algebra
    Lorentz and Poincare' groups
    Spinors and representations of the Lorentz group
    The supersymmetry algebra
  • 3. Representations of the Supersymmetry Algebra
    Massless supermultiplets
    Massive supermultiplets
    Representation on fields: a first try
  • 4. Superspace and Superfields
    Superspace as a coset
    Superfields as fields in superspace
    Supersymmetric invariant actions - general philosohpy
    Chiral superfields
    Real (aka Vector) superfields
    (Super)Current superfields
  • 5. Supersymmetric Actions: Minimal Supersymmetry
    N=1 matter actions
    N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills
    N=1 gauge-gatter actions
  • 6. Supersymmetric Actions: Extended Supersymmetry
    N=2 supersymmetric actions
    N=4 supersymmetric actions
    On non-renormalization theorems
  • 7. Spontaneous Supersymmetry Breaking
    Vacua in supersymmetric theories
    Goldstone theorem and the goldstino
    F-term breaking
    Pseudomoduli space: quantum corrections
    D-term breaking
    Indirect criteria for supersymmetry breaking
  • 8. Supersymmetric Extensions of the Standard Model
    Towards dynamical supersymmetry breaking
    The supertrace mass formula
    Beyond the MSSM
    Spurions, soft terms and the messenger paradigm
    Mediating the breaking
  • 9. Non-perturbative Effects and Holomorphy
    Instantons in a nutshell
    Anomalies in a nutshell
    t'Hooft anomaly matching condition
    Holomorphy and non-renormalization theorems
    Holomorphic decoupling
  • 10. Supersymmetric Gauge Dynamics: Minimal Supersymmetry
    Confinement and mass gap in QCD, YM and SYM
    Phases of gauge theories: examples
    N=1 SQCD: perturbative analysis
    N=1 SQCD: non-perturbative dynamics
    The phase diagram of N=1 SQCD
  • 11. Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking
    Calculable and non-calculable models: generalities
    The one GUT family SU(5) model
    The 3-2 model: supersymmetry breaking by instantons
    The 4-1 model: supersymmetry breaking by gaugino condensation
    The ITIY model: supersymmetry breaking with classical flat directions
    DSB into metastable vacua. A case study: massive SQCD
  • 12. Supersymmetric Gauge Dynamics: Extended Supersymmetry
    Low energy effective actions: classical and quantum
    Monopoles, dyons and electro-magnetic duality
    Seiberg-Witten theory
    Seiberg-Witten theory: generalizations
    N=4: Montonen-Olive duality

  • Index