Manuscripts submitted for publication
A Quasar-Galaxy Mixing Diagram: Quasar spectral energy distribution shape in the Optical to Near-Infrared
Hao H., Elvis M., Kelly B.C., Civano F., Bongiorno A., Zamorani G., Celotti A.,
Ho L.C., Merloni A., Jahnke K.,Comastri A., Trump J.R., Mainieri V., Salvato M., Brusa M., Impey C.D., Koekemoer A.M., Lanzuisi G., Vignali C., Silverman J.D., Urry C.M., Schawinski K.
2012, MNRAS, submitted
Spectral Energy Distributions of Type 1 AGN in XMM-COSMOS Survey II - Shape evolution
Hao H., Elvis M., Civano F., Zamorani G., Ho L.C., Comastri A., Bongiorno A., Merloni A., Brusa M., Trump J.R., Salvato M., Impey C.D., Koekemoer A.M., Lanzuisi G., Celotti A., Jahnke K., Vignali C., Silverman J.D., Urry C.M., Schawinski K., Capak P.
2012, MNRAS, submitted
Afterglow emission in Gamma-Ray Bursts: I. Pair-enriched ambient medium and radiative blast waves
Nava L., Sironi L., Ghisellini G., Celotti A., Ghirlanda G.
2012, MNRAS, submitted
Exploring the spectroscopic properties of relic radio galaxies
Capetti A., Robinson A., Baldi R., Buttiglione S., Axon D.J., Celotti A., Chiaberge M.
2012, A&A, submitted
Radio-to-gamma-ray monitoring of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy PMN J0948+0022 from 2008 to 2011
Foschini L., Angelakis E., Fuhrmann L., Ghisellini G., Hovatta T., Lahteenmaki A., Lister M.L., Braito V., Gallo L., Hamilton T.S., Kino M., Komossa S., Pushkarev A.B., Thompson D.J., Tibolla O., Tramacere A., Carraminana A., Carrasco L., Falcone A., Giroletti M., Grupe D., Kovalev Y.Y., Krichbaum T.P., Max-Moerbeck W., Nestoras I., Pearson T.J., Porras A., Readhead A.C.S., Recillas E., Richards J.L., Riquelme D., Sievers A., Tammi J., Tornikoski M., Ungerechts H., Zensus J.A., Celotti A., Bonnoli G., Doi A., Maraschi L., Tagliaferri G., Tavecchio F.
2012, A&A, in press
Broad-band Jet emission in young and powerful radio sources: the case of the CSS Quasar 3C 186
Migliori G., Siemiginowska A., Celotti A.
2012, ApJ, 749, 107
Suzaku X-ray imaging of the extended lobe in the Giant Radio Galaxy NGC6251 associated with the Fermi-LAT source 2FGLJ1629.4+8236
Takeuchi Y., Kataoka J., Stawarz L., Takahashi Y., Maeda K., Nakamori T., Cheung C.C., Celotti A., Tanaka Y., Takahashi T.
2012, ApJ, 749, 66
Gamma-Ray Bursts in the comoving frame
Ghirlanda G., Nava L., Ghisellini G., Celotti A., Burlon D., Covino S.,
Melandri A.
2012, MNRAS, 420, 483
Broad-line Radio Galaxies Observed with Fermi-LAT: The Origin of the GeV γ-Ray Emission
Kataoka J., Stawarz L., Takahashi Y., Cheung C.C., Hayashida M., Grandi P., Burnett T.H., Celotti A., Fegan S.J., Fortin P., Maeda K., Nakamori T., Taylor G.B., Tosti G., McConville W., D’Ammando F.
2011, ApJ, 740, 29
Implications for the structure of the relativistic jet from the multiwavelength observations of NGC 6251
Migliori G., Grandi P, Torresi E., Dermer C., Finke J., Celotti A., Mukherjee R., Errando M., Gargano F., Giordano F., Giroletti M.
2011, A&A, 533, 72
Fermi/GBM and Batse Gamma-Ray Bursts: comparison of the spectral properties
Nava L., Ghirlanda G., Ghisellini G., Celotti A.
2011, MNRAS, 415, 3153
Spectral properties of 438 GRBs detected by Fermi/GBM
Nava L., Ghirlanda G., Ghisellini G., Celotti A.
2011, A&A, 530, 21
An optical spectroscopic survey of the 3CR sample of radio galaxies with z <0.3. IV. Discovery of the new spectroscopic class of relic radio galaxies
Capetti A., Buttiglione S., Axon D., Robinson A., Celotti A., Baldi R., Chiaberge M., Macchetto F., Sparks W.
2011, A&A, 527, 2 arXiv:1101.1787
An optical spectroscopic survey of the 3CR sample of radio galaxies with z<0.3. III. Completing the sample Buttiglione S., Capetti A., Celotti A., Axon D., Chiaberge M., Macchetto F., Sparks W. 2011, A&A, 525, 28
Fermi Large Area Telescope Observations of misaligned AGN
Abdo A.A., Ackermann M., Ajello M., et al. - Fermi-LAT Collaboration
2010, ApJ, 720, 912
The First Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Abdo A.A., Ackermann M., Ajello M., et al. - Fermi-LAT Collaboration
2010, ApJ, 715, 429
γ -ray Spectral Evolution of NGC 1275 Observed with Fermi LAT
Kataoka J., Stawarz L., Cheung, C.C., Tosti G., Cavazzuti E., Celotti A., Nishino S., Fukazawa Y., Thompson D.J., McConville W.F.
2010, ApJ, 715, 554
GeV emission from Gamma Ray Bursts: a radiative fireball?
Ghisellini G., Ghirlanda G., Nava L., Celotti A.
2010, MNRAS, 403, 926 arXiv:0910.2459
Testing a new view of Gamma Ray Burst Afterglows
Nardini M., Ghisellini G., Ghirlanda G., Celotti A.
2010, MNRAS, 403, 1131 arXiv:0907.4157
An optical spectroscopic survey of the 3CR sample. II. Spectroscopic classes and accretion modes in radio-loud AGN
Buttiglione S., Capetti A., Celotti A., D. Axon, M. Chiaberge, F. Macchetto, W. Sparks
2010, A&A, 509, 6 arXiv:0911.0536
General physical properties of bright Fermi blazars
Ghisellini G., Tavecchio F., Foschini L., Ghirlanda G., Maraschi L., Celotti A.
2010, MNRAS, 402, 497 arXiv:0909.0932
Multiwavelength monitoring of the enigmatic Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022 in March-July 2009
Abdo A.A., Ackermann M., Ajello M., et al. - Fermi-LAT Collaboration
2009, ApJ, 707, 727
Time resolved spectral behaviour of bright BATSE precursors
Burlon D., Ghirlanda G., Ghisellini G., Greiner J., Celotti A.
2009, A&A, 505, 569 arXiv:0907.5203
Probing variability patterns of the Fe K line complex in bright nearby AGNs
De Marco B., Iwasawa K., Cappi M., Dadina M., Miniutti G. Celotti A.,Tombesi F.
2009, A&A, 507, 159 arXiv:0907.1527
Fermi Discovery of Gamma-ray Emission from NGC 1275
Abdo A.A., et al. (The Fermi Collaboration)
2009, ApJ, 699, 31
Short versus long gamma-ray bursts: spectra, energetics, and luminosities
Ghirlanda G., Nava L., Ghisellini G., Celotti A., Firmani C.
2009, A&A, 496, 585 arXiv:0902.0983
An optical spectroscopic survey of the 3CR sample of radio galaxies with z<0.3. I. Presentation of the data
Buttiglione S., Capetti A., Celotti A., Axon D.J., Chiaberge M., Macchetto F., Sparks W.B.
2009, A&A, 495, 1033 arXiv:0901.1764
Fermi Observations of High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from GRB 080916C
Abdo A.A., Ackermanm M., Arimoto M., et al. (Fermi GRB and LAT Collaborations)
2009, Science, 323, 1688
A unifying view of Gamma-Ray Burst afterglows
Ghisellini G., Nardini M., Ghirlanda G., Celotti A.
2009, MNRAS, 393, 253 arXiv:0811.1038
TeV variability in blazars: how fast can it be?
Ghisellini G., Tavecchio F., Bodo G., Celotti A.
2009, MNRAS, 393, L16 arXiv:0810.5555
Gamma-ray polarization constraints on Planck scale violations of special relativity
Maccione L., Liberati S., Celotti A., Kirk J.G., Ubertini P.
2008, PRD, 78, 103003 PRD/v78/e103003
Precursors in Swift Gamma Ray Bursts with redshift
Burlon D., Ghirlanda G., Ghisellini G., Lazzati D., Nava L., Nardini M., Celotti A.
2008, ApJ, 685, L19 arXiv:0806.3076
Life after Death [Perspective]
Celotti A.
2008, Science, 321, 1164 full article
The power of blazar jets
Celotti A., Ghisellini G.
2008, MNRAS, 385, 283 arXiv:0711.4112
Rates of long Gamma-Ray Burst progenitors at high redshifts
Lapi A., Kawakatu N., Bosnjak Z., Celotti A., Bressan A., Granato G., Danese L.
2008, MNRAS, 386, 608 arXiv:0802.0787
Energetics - Spectral correlations vs the BATSE Gamma-Ray Bursts population
Bosnjak Z., Celotti A., Longo F., Barbiellini G.
2008, MNRAS, 384, 599 astro-ph/0502185
New constraints on Planck-scale Lorentz Violation in QED from the Crab Nebula
Maccione L., Liberati S., Celotti A., Kirk J.G.
2007, JCAP, 10, 13 arXiv:0707.2673
Re-born fireballs in Gamma-Ray Bursts
Ghisellini G., Celotti A., Ghirlanda G., Firmani C., Nava L.
2007, MNRAS, 382, L72 arXiv:0709.1945
On the nature of optical nuclei in FR I radio-galaxies from ACS/HST imaging polarimetry
Capetti A., Axon D.J., Chiaberge M., Sparks W.B., Macchetto D.F., Cracraft M., Celotti A.
2007, A&A, 471, 137 arXiv:0706.1944
Bulk Comptonization spectra in blazars
Celotti A., Ghisellini G., Fabian A.C.
2007, MNRAS, 375, 417 astro-ph/0611439
Using Radio Bubbles to Constrain the Matter Content of AGN Jets
Dunn R.J.H., Fabian A.C., Celotti A.
2006, MNRAS, 372, 1741 astro-ph/0608466
Radiative pressure feedback by a quasar in a galactic bulge
Fabian A.C., Celotti A., Erlund M.C.
2006, MNRAS, 373, L16 astro-ph/0608425
Multiwavelength observations of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155-304 with XMM-Newton
Zhang Y.-H., Bai J.M., Zhang S.N., Treves A., Maraschi L., Celotti A.
2006, ApJ, 651, 782 astro-ph/0607138
On the radio properties of the highest redshift quasars
Cirasuolo M., Magliocchetti M., Gentile G., Celotti A., Cristiani S., Danese L.
2006, MNRAS, 371, 29 astro-ph/0606297
Extended inverse-Compton emission from distant, powerful radio galaxies
Erlund M.C., Fabian A.C., Blundell K.M., Celotti A., Crawford C.S.
2006, MNRAS, 371, 695 astro-ph/0606238
GRB 990413: Insight into the thermal phase evolution
Bosnjak Z., Celotti A., Ghirlanda G.
2006, MNRAS, 370, L33 astro-ph/0604425
Discovery of the low-energy cutoff in a powerful radio galaxy
Blundell K.M., Fabian A.C., Crawford C.S., Erlund M.C., Celotti A.
2006, ApJ, 644, L13 astro-ph/0605391
Gamma-Ray Bursts associated with Supernovae: A systematic analysis of BATSE GRB candidates
Bosnjak Z., Celotti A., Ghirlanda G., Della Valle M., Pian E.
2006, A&A, 447, 121 astro-ph/0510058
XMM-Newton View of PKS 2155-304: Characterizing the X-Ray Variability Properties with EPIC-PN
Zhang Y. H., Treves A., Celotti A., Qin Y. P., Bai J. M.
2005, ApJ, 629, 686 astro-ph/0505160
The peak luminosity - peak energy correlation in GRBs
Ghirlanda G., Ghisellini G., Firmani C., Celotti A., Bosnjak Z.
2005, MNRAS, 360, L45 astro-ph/0502488
XMM observations of the high-redshift quasar RX J1028.6-0844: soft X-ray spectral flattening
Yuan W., Fabian A.C., Celotti A., McMahon R., Matsuoka M.
2005, MNRAS, 358, 432
Probing the nuclear obscuration in radio-galaxies with near infrared imaging
Marchesini D., Capetti A., Celotti A.
2005, A&A, 433, 841 astro-ph/0412388
Faint radio-loud quasars: clues on their evolution
Cirasuolo M., Magliocchetti M., Celotti A.
2005, MNRAS, 357, 1267 astro-ph/0412131
High frequency peakers: young radio sources or flaring blazars?
Tinti S., Dallacasa D., De Zotti G., Celotti A., Stanghellini C.
2005, A&A, 432, 31 astro-ph/0410663
The spectra of short Gamma-Ray Bursts
Ghirlanda G., Ghisellini G., Celotti A.
2004, A&A, 422, L55 astro-ph/0310861
Disk outflows and the accretion rate gap
Begelman M.C., Celotti A.
2004, MNRAS, 352, L45 astro-ph/0406607
Extended X-ray emission at high redshifts: radio galaxies versus clusters
Celotti A., Fabian A.C.
2004, MNRAS, 353, 523 astro-ph/0405622
XMM-Newton observations of GB B1428+4217: confirmation of intrinsic soft X-ray absorption
Worsley M.A., Fabian A.C., Celotti A., Iwasawa K.
2004, MNRAS, 350, L67 astro-ph/0403601
Internal shocks and the blazar sequence. Low and intermediate power BL Lac objects
Guetta D., Ghisellini G., Lazzati D., Celotti A.
2004, A&A, 421, 877 astro-ph/0402164
A transition in the accretion properties of radio-loud active nuclei
Marchesini D., Celotti A., Ferrarese L.
2004, MNRAS, 351, 733 astro-ph/0403272
Compton tails in long duration Gamma-Ray Bursts
Barbiellini G., Celotti A., Ghirlanda G., Longo F., Piro L., Tavani M.
2004, MNRAS, 350, L5
XMM-Newton confirmation of a warm absorber in the z=4.4 blazar PMN J0525-3343
Worsley M.A., Fabian A.C., Turner A.K., Celotti A., Iwasawa K.
2004, MNRAS, 350, 207 astro-ph/0310366
The effects of periodically gapped time series on cross-correlation lag determinations
Zhang Y.-H., Cagnoni I., Treves A., Celotti A., Maraschi L.
2004, ApJ, 605, 98 astro-ph/0401287
BeppoSAX observations of 1-Jy BL Lacertae objects. II.
Padovani P., Costamante L., Giommi P., Ghisellini G., Celotti A., Wolter A.
2004, MNRAS, 347, 1282 astro-ph/0311084
Extended X-ray emission in the high redshift quasar GB 1508+5714 at z=4.3
Yuan W., Fabian A.C., Celotti A., Jonker P.G.
2003, MNRAS, 346, L7 astro-ph/0309318
Is there a dichotomy in the radio loudness of quasars ?
Cirasuolo M., Celotti A., Magliocchetti M., Danese L.
2003, MNRAS, 346, 447 astro-ph/0306415
Extremely hard GRB spectra prune down the forest of emission models
Ghirlanda G., Celotti A., Ghisellini G.
2003, A&A, 406, 879 astro-ph/0210693
Evidence for anisotropy in the distribution of short-lived gamma-ray bursts
Magliocchetti M., Ghirlanda G., Celotti A.
2003, MNRAS, 343, 255 astro-ph/0302009
A multi-wavelength test of the FR I - BL Lac unifying model
Trussoni E., Capetti A., Celotti A., Chiaberge M., Feretti L.
2003, A&A, 403, 889 astro-ph/0304018
Clumps in large scale relativistic jets
Tavecchio F., Ghisellini G., Celotti A.
2003, A&A, 403, 83 astro-ph/0303161
The radio loud/radio quiet dichotomy: news from the 2dF QSO redshift survey
Cirasuolo M., Magliocchetti M., Celotti A., Danese L.
2003, MNRAS, 341, 993 astro-ph/0301526
The BL Lac objects OQ 530 and S5 0716+714. Simoultaneous observations in the X-rays, radio, optical and TeV bands
Tagliaferri G., Ravasio M., Ghisellini G., Giommi P. Massaro E., Nesci R., Tosti G., Aller M.F., Aller H.D., Celotti A., Maraschi L., Tavecchio F., Wolter A.
2003, A&A, 400, 487 astro-ph/0301117
A fireworks model for Gamma-Ray Bursts
Barbiellini G., Celotti A., Longo F.
2003, MNRAS, 339, L17 astro-ph/0112432
Chandra reveals X-rays along the radio axis in the quasar 3C 9 at z=2.012
Fabian A.C., Celotti A., Johnstone R.M.
2003, MNRAS, 338, L7 astro-ph/0204488
1WGA J1216.9+3347: Chandra finds an extremely steep Ultraluminous X-ray source
Cagnoni I., Turolla R., Treves A., Huang J.-S., Elvis M., Celotti A.
2003, ApJ, 582, 654 astro-ph/0209293
Events in the life of a cocoon surrounding a light, collapsar jet
Ramirez-Ruiz E., Celotti A., Rees M.J.
2002, MNRAS, 337, 1349 astro-ph/0205108
ROSAT blank field sources. I. Sample selection and archival data
Cagnoni I, Elvis M., Kim D.W., Nicastro F., Celotti A.
2002, ApJ, 579, 148 astro-ph/0207085
Understanding the nature of FR II optical nuclei: a new diagnostic plane of radio galaxies
Chiaberge M., Capetti A., Celotti A.
2002, A&A, 394, 791 astro-ph/0207654
Time resolved spectral analysis of bright gamma-ray bursts
Ghirlanda G., Celotti A., Ghisellini G.
2002, A&A, 393, 409 astro-ph/0206377
X-ray spectra produced by a hot plasma containing cold clouds
Malzac J., Celotti A.
2002, MNRAS, 335, 23 astro-ph/0204405
Spectral energy distribution of flat spectrum radio quasars observed with BeppoSAX
Tavecchio F., Maraschi G., Ghisellini G., Celotti A., Chiappetti L., Comastri A., Fossati G., Grandi P., Pian E., Tagliaferri G., Treves A., Sambruna R.M.
2002, ApJ, 575, 137 astro-ph/0207157
Four years monitoring of blazar PKS 2155-304 with BeppoSAX: probing the dynamics of the jet
Zhang Y.-H., Treves A., Celotti A., Chiappetti L., Ghisellini G., Fossati G., Maraschi L., Pian E., Tagliaferri G., Tavecchio F.
2002, ApJ, 572, 762 astro-ph/0202378
Low power BL Lacertae objects and the blazar sequence. Clues on the particle acceleration process
Ghisellini G., Celotti A., Costamante L.
2002, A&A, 386, 833 astro-ph/0202367
BL Lacertae: complex spectral variability and rapid synchrotron flare detected with BeppoSAX
Ravasio M., Tagliaferri G., Ghisellini G., Giommi P, Nesci R., Massaro E., Chiappetti L., Celotti A., Costamante L., Maraschi L., Tavecchio F., Tosti G., Treves A., Wolter A., Balonek T., Carini M., Kato T., Kurtanidze O., Montagni F., Nicolashvili M., Noble J., Nucciarelli G., Raiteri C.M., Sclavi S., Uemura M., Villata M.
2002, A&A, 383, 763 astro-ph/0201307
Spectral Survey of BL Lacs - new spectra and results
Beckmann V., Wolter A., Celotti A., Costamante L., Ghisellini G., Giommi P., Maccacaro T., Tagliaferri G.
2002, A&A, 383, 410 astro-ph/0112311
The HST survey of the B2 sample of radio-galaxies: optical nuclei and the FR I/BLLac unified scheme
Capetti A., Celotti A., Chiaberge M., de Ruiter H.R., Fanti R., Morganti R., Parma P.
2002, A&A, 383, 104 astro-ph/0112151
Spectral energy distribution of 3C 279 rivisited: BeppoSAX observations and variability models
Ballo L., Maraschi L., Tavecchio F., Celotti A., Fossati G., Ghisellini G., Pian E., Raiteri C., Tagliaferri G., Treves A., Urry C.M., Villata M.
2002, ApJ, 567, 50 astro-ph/0111499
The properties of the X-ray holes in the intracluster medium of the Perseus cluster
Fabian A.C., Celotti A., Blundell K.M., Kassim N.E., Perley R.A.
2002, MNRAS, 331, 369 astro-ph/0111418
Radio properties of radio sources at 1 mJy
Magliocchetti M., Celotti A., Danese L.
2002, MNRAS, 329, 377 astro-ph/0110251
The optical afterglow of GRB000911: evidence for an associated supernova?
Lazzati D., Covino S., Ghisellini G., Fugazza D., Campana S., Saracco P., Price P.A., Berger E., Kulkarni S., Ramirez-Ruiz E., Cimatti A., Della Valle M., di Serego Alighieri S., Celotti A., Haardt F., Israel G.L., Stella L.
2001, A&A, 378, 996 astro-ph/0109287
The dividing line between FR I and FR II radio-galaxies
Ghisellini G., Celotti A.
2001, A&A, 379, L1 astro-ph/0106570
Theoretical implications from the spectral evolution of Mkn 501 observed with BeppoSAX
Tavecchio F., Maraschi L., Chiappetti L., Celotti A., Fossati G., Ghisellini G., Palazzi E., Raiteri C.M., Sambruna R.M., Treves A., Urry C.M., Villata M., Aharonian F., Djannati-Atai A., Krawczynski H., Smith D.
2001, ApJ, 554, 710
Relativistic large scale jets and minimum power requirements
Ghisellini G., Celotti A.
2001, MNRAS, 327, 739 astro-ph/0103007
Internal shocks in the jets of radio-loud quasars
Spada M., Ghisellini G., Lazzati D., Celotti A.
2001, MNRAS, 325, 1559 astro-ph/0103424
1WGA J1226.9+3332: a high redshift cluster discovered by Chandra
Cagnoni I., Elvis M., Kim D.-W., Mazzotta P., Huang J.S., Celotti A.
2001, ApJ, 560, 86 astro-ph/0106066
The BL Lac heart of Centaurus A
Chiaberge M., Capetti A., Celotti A.
2001, MNRAS, 324, L33 astro-ph/0105159
An X-ray selected sample of radio-loud quasars
Wolter A., Celotti A.
2001, A&A, 371, 527 astro-ph/0103394
Extreme synchrotron BL Lac objects
Costamante L., Ghisellini G., Giommi P., Tagliaferri G., Celotti A., Chiaberge M., Fossati G., Maraschi L., Tavecchio F., Treves A., Wolter A.
2001, A&A, 371, 512 astro-ph/0103343
The 0.1-200 keV X-ray spectrum of the blazar PKS 2005-489 during an active state
Tagliaferri G., Ghisellini G., Giommi P., Celotti A., Chiaberge M., Chiappetti L., Glass I.S., Maraschi L., Tavecchio F., Treves A., Wolter A.
2001, A&A, 368, 38 astro-ph/0012503
The blazar GB 1428+4217: a warm absorber at z=4.72?
Fabian A.C., Celotti A., Iwasawa K., Ghisellini G.
2001, MNRAS, 324, 628 astro-ph/0101288
PMN O525-3343: soft X-ray spectral flattening in a blazar at z=4.4
Fabian A.C., Celotti A., Iwasawa K., McMahon R.G., Carilli C.L., Brandt W.N., Ghisellini G., Hook I.M.
2001, MNRAS, 323, 373 astro-ph/0011566
Large scale jets in AGN: multiwavelength mapping
Celotti A., Ghisellini G., Chiaberge M.
2001, MNRAS, 321, L1 astro-ph/0008021
Gamma-loud quasars: a view with BeppoSAX
Tavecchio F., Maraschi G., Ghisellini G., Celotti A., Chiappetti L., Comastri A., Fossati G., Grandi P., Pian E., Tagliaferri G., Treves A., Raiteri C.M., Sambruna R.M., Villata M.
2000, ApJ, 543, 535 astro-ph/0006443
Compton dragged gamma-ray bursts: the spectrum
Ghisellini G., Lazzati D., Celotti A., Rees M.J.
2000, MNRAS, 316, L45 astro-ph/0002049
Spectral energy distribution of FR I nuclei and the FR I/BL Lac unifying model
Capetti A., Trussoni, E., Celotti A., Feretti L., Chiaberge M.
2000, MNRAS, 318, 493 astro-ph/0007434
X-ray emission of Mkn 421: new clues from its spectral evolution. II. Spectral analysis and physical constraints
Fossati G., Celotti A., Chiaberge M., Zhang Y.-H., Chiappetti L., Ghisellini G., Maraschi L., Tavecchio F., Pian E., Treves A.
2000, ApJ, 541, 166 astro-ph/0005067
X-ray emission of Mkn 421: new clues from its spectral evolution. I. Temporal analysis
Fossati G., Celotti A., Chiaberge M., Zhang Y.-H., Chiappetti L., Ghisellini G., Maraschi L., Tavecchio F., Pian E., Treves A.
2000, ApJ, 541, 153 astro-ph/0005066
Does the unification of BL Lac and FR I radio galaxies require jet velocity structures?
Chiaberge M., Celotti A., Capetti A., Ghisellini G.
2000, A&A, 358, 104 astro-ph/0003197
ISO observations of the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304
Bertone E., Tagliaferri G., Ghisellini G., Treves A., Barr P., Celotti A., Chiaberge M., Maraschi L.
2000, A&A, 356, 1 astro-ph/0001507
The HST view of the FR I / FR II dichotomy
Chiaberge M., Capetti A., Celotti A.
2000, A&A, 355, 873 astro-ph/0002018
Constraints on the emission mechanisms of gamma-ray bursts
Ghisellini G., Celotti A., Lazzati D.
2000, MNRAS, 313, L1 astro-ph/9912461
The concave X-ray spectrum of the blazars ON 231: the signature of intermediate BL Lac objects
Tagliaferri G., Ghisellini G., Giommi P., Chiappetti L., Maraschi L., Celotti A., Chiaberge M., Fossati G., Massaro E., Maesano M., Montagni F., Nesci R., Nucciarelli G., Pian E., Raiteri C., Tavecchio F., Tosti G., Treves A., Villata M., Wolter A.
2000, A&A, 354, 431 astro-ph/9912055
Compton dragged gamma-ray bursts associated with supernovae
Lazzati D., Ghisellini G., Celotti A., Rees M.J.
2000, ApJ, 529, L17 astro-ph/9910191
Astrophysical evidence for the existence of black holes
Celotti A., Miller J.C., Sciama D.W.
1999, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Millenium Issue, 16, A3 astro-ph/9912186
Correlated variability of Mkn 421 at X-ray and TeV wavelenghts on timescales of hours
Maraschi L., Fossati G., Tavecchio F., Chiappetti L., Celotti A., Ghisellini G., Grandi P., Pian E., Tagliaferri G., Treves A., Breslin A.C., Buckley J.H., Carter-Lewis D.A., Catanese M., Cawley M.F., Fegan D.J., Fegan S., Finley J., Gaidos J., Hall T., Hillas A.M., Krennrich F., Lessard R.W., Masterson C., Moriarty P., Quinn J., Rose J., Samuelson F., Weekes T.C., Urry C.M., Takahashi T.
1999, ApJ, 526, L81
Rapid X-ray Variability of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155-304
Zhang Y.H., Celotti A., Treves A., Chiappetti L., Ghisellini G., Maraschi L., Pian E., Tagliaferri G., Tavecchio F., Urry C.M.
1999, ApJ, 527, 719 astro-ph/9907325
Constraints on the bulk Lorentz factor in the internal shock scenario for gamma-ray bursts
Lazzati D., Ghisellini G., Celotti A.
1999, MNRAS, 309, L13 astro-ph/9907070
The HST view of FR I radio galaxies: evidence for non-thermal nuclear sources
Chiaberge M., Capetti A., Celotti A.
1999, A&A, 349, 77 astro-ph/9907064
Variability of the extreme z=4.72 blazar, GB 1428+4217
Fabian A.C., Celotti A., Pooley G., Iwasawa K., Brandt W.N., McMahon R.G., Hoenig M.D.
1999, MNRAS, 308, L6 astro-ph/9907033
The blazar PKS 0528+134: new results from BeppoSAX observations
Ghisellini G., Tagliaferri G., Costamante L., Maraschi L., Celotti A., Fossati G., Bassani L., Cappi M., Frontera F., Pian E., Comastri A., Cavallone M., De Francesco G., Lanteri L., Raiteri C.M., Sobrito G., Villata M., Giarrusso S., Sacco B., Glass I.S., Grandi P., Molendi S., Padovani P., Palumbo G.G.C., Perola C., Salvati M., Treves A.
1999, A&A, 348, 63 astro-ph/9906165
Spectral evolution of PKS 2155-304 observed with BeppoSAX during an active gamma-ray phase
Chiappetti L., Maraschi L., Tavecchio F., Celotti A., Fossati G., Ghisellini G., Giommi P., Pian E., Tagliaferri G., Treves A., Urry C.M., Zhang Y.-H.
1999, ApJ, 521, 552 astro-ph/9903321
Magnetic flares in accretion disc coronae and the spectral states of black hole candidates: the case of GX 339-4
Di Matteo T., Celotti A., Fabian A.C.
1999, MNRAS, 304, 434 astro-ph/9805345
Quasi-thermal Comptonization in gamma-ray bursts
Ghisellini G., Celotti A.
1999, ApJ, 511, L93 astro-ph/9812079
Reprocessing of radiation by multi-phase gas in low luminosity accretion flows
Celotti A., Rees M.J.
1999, MNRAS, 305, L41 astro-ph/9807252
Testing the FR I/BL Lac unifying model with HST observations
Capetti A., Celotti A.
1999, MNRAS, 304, 434 astro-ph/9811407
The hidden X-ray Seyfert nucleus in 3C 273: BeppoSAX results
Haardt F., Fossati G., Grandi P., Celotti A., Pian E., Ghisellini G., Malizia A., Maraschi L., Paciesas W., Raiteri C.M., Tagliaferri G., Treves A., Urry C.M., Villata M., Wagner S.
1998, A&A, 340, 35 astro-ph/9806229
A unifying theoretical scheme for gamma-ray bright blazars
Ghisellini G., Celotti A., Fossati G., Maraschi L., Comastri A.
1998, MNRAS, 301, 451 astro-ph/9807317
A unifying view of the Spectral Energy Distributions of blazars
Fossati G., Maraschi L., Celotti A., Comastri A., Ghisellini G.
1998, MNRAS, 299, 433 astro-ph/9804103
Multiwavelenght observations of a dramatic high energy flare in the blazar 3C 279
Wehrle A.E., Pian E., Urry C.M., Maraschi L., Ghisellini G., Hartman R.C., Madejski G.M., Makino F., Marscher A.P., McHardy I.M., Wagner S.J.,Webb J.R., Aldering G.S., Aller M.F., Aller H.D., Backman D.E., Balonek T.J., Boltwood P., Bonnell J., Caplinger J., Celotti A., Collmar W., Dalton J., Drucker A., Falomo R., Fichtel C.E., Freudling W., Gear W.K., Gonzalez-Perez N., Hall P., Inoue H., Johnson W.N., Kazanas D., Kidger M.R., Kii T., Kollgaard R.I., Kondo Y., Kurfess J., Lawson A.J., Lin Y.C., McCollum B., McNaron-Brown K., Nair A.D., Penton S., Pesce J.E., Pohl M., Raiteri C.M., Renda M., Robson E.I., Sambruna R.M., Schirmer A.F., Shrades C., Sikora M., Sillanpaa A., Smith P.S., Stevens J.A., Stocke J., Takalo L.O., Terasranta H., Thompson D.J., Thompson R., Tornikoski M., Tosti G., Turcotte P., Treves A., Unwin S.C., Valtaoja E., Villata M., Xu W., Zook A.
1998, ApJ, 497, 178 astro-ph/9711243
The ASCA spectrum of the z=4.72 blazar, GB 1428+4217
Fabian A.C., Iwasawa K., Celotti A., Brandt W.N., McMahon R.G., Hook I.M.
1998, MNRAS, 295, L25 astro-ph/9801288
Limits from rapid TeV variability of Mrk 421
Celotti A., Fabian A.C., Rees M.J.
1998, MNRAS, 293, 239 astro-ph/9707131
Thermal material in relativistic jets
Celotti A., Kuncic Z., Rees M.J., Wardle J.F.C.
1998, MNRAS, 293, 288 astro-ph/9707132
A multi-wavelength study of the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15
Reynolds C.S., Ward M.J., Fabian A.C., Celotti A.
1997, MNRAS, 291, 403 astro-ph/9707160
Cyclo-synchrotron emission from magnetically dominated active regions
Di Matteo T., Celotti A., Fabian A.C.
1997, MNRAS, 291, 805 astro-ph/9707130
Unifying models for X-ray selected and radio selected BL Lac objects
Fossati G., Celotti A., Ghisellini G., Maraschi L.
1997, MNRAS, 289, 136 astro-ph/9704113
Multiwavelength monitoring of the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304 in May 1994. II. The IUE campaign
Pian E., Urry M.C., Treves A., Maraschi L., Penton S., Shull J.M., Pesce J.E., Grandi P., Kii T., Kollgaard R.I., Madejski G., Marshall H., Wamsteker W., Celotti A., Courvoisier T.J.-L., Falomo R., Fink H.H., George I.M., Ghisellini G.
1997, ApJ, 486, 784 astro-ph/9706300
Multiwavelength monitoring of the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304 in May 1994. III. Probing the inner jet through multiwavelength correlations
Urry C.M., Treves A., Maraschi L., Marshall H., Kii T., Madejski G., Penton S., Pesce J.E., Pian E., Celotti A., Fujimoto R., Makino F., Otani C., Sambruna R.M., Sasaki K., Shull J.M., Smith P., Takahashi T., Tashiro M.
1997, ApJ, 486, 799 astro-ph/9704194
Jets and accretion processes in Active Galactic Nuclei: further clues
Celotti A., Padovani P., Ghisellini G.
1997, MNRAS, 286, 415 astro-ph/9611111
Dense, thin clouds and reprocessed radiation in the central regions of Active Galactic Nuclei
Kuncic Z., Celotti A., Rees M.J.
1997, MNRAS, 284, 717 astro-ph/9608163
The matter content of the jet in M87: evidence for an electron-positron jet
Reynolds C.S., Fabian A.C., Celotti A., Rees M.J.
1996, MNRAS, 283, 873 astro-ph/9603140
Pair dominated Active Galactic Nuclei and the origin of the X-ray background
Celotti A., Fabian A.C., Ghisellini G., Madau P.
1995, MNRAS, 277, 1169
Joint ROSAT - Compton GRO observations of the X-ray bright Seyfert galaxy IC 4329A
Madejski G.M., Zdziarski A.A., Turner T.J., Done C., Mushotzky R.F., Hartman R.C., Gehrels N., Connors A., Fabian A.C., Nandra K., Celotti A., Rees M.J., Johnson W.N, Grove E., Starr C.H.
1995, ApJ, 438, 672
Multi-wavelength monitoring of the BL Lac Object PKS 2155-304. IV. Multi-wavelength analysis
Edelson R., Krolik J., Madejski G., Maraschi L., Pike G., Urry C.M., Brinkmann W., Courvoisier T.J.-L., Ellithorpe J., Horne K., Treves A., Wagner S., Wamstecker W., Warwick R., Aller H.D., Aller M.F., Ashley M., Blecha A., Bouchet P., Bratschi P., Bregman J.N., Carini M., Celotti A., Donahue M., Feigelson E., Filippenko A.V., Fink H., George I., Glass I., Heidt J., Hewitt J., Hughes P., Kollgaard R., Kondo Y., Koraktar A., Leighly K., Marscher A., Matheson T., Martin P.G., Miller J.C., Noble H.R., O'Brien P., Pian E., Reichert G., Saken J., Shull J.M., Sitko M., Smith P., Sun W.-H., Tagliaferri G.
1994, ApJ, 438, 120
The X-ray spectrum of the highly-polarized quasar PKS 1502+106
George I.M., Nandra K., Turner T.J., Celotti A.
1994, ApJ, 436, L59
Physical processes in the X-ray/gamma-ray source of IC 4329A
Zdziarski A.A., Fabian A.C., Nandra K., Celotti A., Rees M.J., Done C., Coppi P.S., Madejski G.M.
1994, MNRAS, 269, L55
Polarization properties of synchrotron self-Compton radiation
Celotti A., Matt G.
1994, MNRAS, 268, 451
OSSE observations of the bright Seyfert 1 galaxy IC 4329A
Fabian A.C., Nandra K., Celotti A., Rees M.J., Grove J.E., Johnson W.N.
1993, ApJ, 416, L57 (ERRATUM: 1994, ApJ, 421, L95
The kinetic power and luminosity of parsec-scale radio jets; an argument for heavy jets
Celotti A., Fabian A.C.
1993, MNRAS, 264, 228
Unified model for X-ray and radio selected BL Lac objects
Celotti A., Maraschi L., Ghisellini G., Caccianiga A., Maccacaro T.
1993, ApJ, 416, 118
Radio-loud AGN and the extragalactic gamma-ray background
Padovani P., Ghisellini G., Fabian A.C., Celotti A.
1993, MNRAS, 260, L21
Relativistic bulk motion in Active Galactic Nuclei
Ghisellini G., Padovani P., Celotti A., Maraschi L.
1993, ApJ, 407, 65
A jet model for the gamma-ray emission of 3C 279
Maraschi L., Ghisellini G., Celotti A.
1992, ApJ, 397, L5
The role of electron-positron pairs in parsec-scale radio jets
Ghisellini G., Celotti A., George I.M., Fabian A.C.
1992, MNRAS, 258, 776
Dense thin clouds in the central regions of Active Galactic Nuclei
Celotti A., Fabian A.C., Rees, M.J.
1992, MNRAS, 255, 419
On the magnetic energy density in the compact region of Active Galactic Nuclei
Celotti A., Ghisellini G., Fabian A.C.
1991, MNRAS, 251, 529
Short term X-ray variability of the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304: power spectrum and cross-correlation analysis
Tagliaferri G., Stella L., Maraschi L., Treves A., Celotti A.
1991, ApJ, 380 78
A model for the spectral variability of BL Lac objects at high frequencies
Celotti A., Maraschi L., Treves A.
1991, ApJ, 377, 403
Publications/papers in press in refereed journals