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4 Input variables

The pw.x and ph.x input files are described in the QUANTUM ESPRESSO documentation. In this section we discuss only the creation of the file thermo_control. This file contains a namelist:

  what=' ',
The what variable controls the sequence of calculations made by thermo_pw. For each possible value of what, we discuss briefly the input variables that you can use to control the output plots. Usually default values of the input variables are sufficient to carry out the basic thermo_pw tasks and you are not supposed to set any variable except what, but in some cases these input variables give you more control on the calculation and can be used to tune its accuracy.

thermo_pw actually writes on file the data to plot and writes a script to plot these data. The output postscript or pdf files are produced by invoking the gnuplot program within the code. Usually any modern Linux distribution provides a package to install this code, or has it already installed. If not, you can download it from
The following input variables control the use of the gnuplot code:

lgnuplot    : if .TRUE. gnuplot is called from within the program
              and the postscript or pdf files are immediately available
              Default: logical .TRUE.
gnuplot_command  : the command used to call gnuplot.
              Default: character(len=*) 'gnuplot'
flgnuplot   : initial part of the name of the files where gnuplot scripts 
              are written.
              Default: character(len=*) 'gnuplot.tmp'
flext       : extension of the output files. Presently .ps and .pdf are
              supported for postscript or pdf output. The latter is
              available only if gnuplot supports the pdfcairo terminal.
              Default: character(len=*) '.ps'
If you are running thermo_pw on a system that has not gnuplot you can disable the production of the postscript or pdf files and use other graphical tools to produce the plots from the output data.

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