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3.1 Installing

Table 1: Compatibility between the versions of thermo_pw and of QE.
1.1.1 6.4.1
1.1.0 6.4
1.0.9 6.3
1.0.0 6.3
0.9.9 6.2.1
0.9.0 6.2.1
0.8.0 6.2
0.8.0-beta 6.2-beta
0.7.9 6.1
0.7.0 6.1
0.6.0 6.0.0
0.5.0 5.4.0
0.4.0 5.3.0
0.3.0 5.2.1, 5.2.0
0.2.0 5.1.2
0.1.0 5.1.1

thermo_pw is a package tightly bound to QUANTUM ESPRESSO. It cannot be compiled without it. For instruction on how to download and compile QUANTUM ESPRESSO, please refer to the general User's Guide, available in the file Doc/user_guide.pdf under the main QUANTUM ESPRESSO directory, or in the web site

Thermo_pw can be downloaded from its main distribution page https://dalcorso.github. io/thermo_pw/ by downloading one of the .tar.gz files. The versions of thermo_pw and of QUANTUM ESPRESSO must be carefully matched as illustrated in Table 1. There is no thermo_pw package for the versions of QUANTUM ESPRESSO not listed there. Unpacking the .tar.gz file in the main QUANTUM ESPRESSO directory, for instance with the command tar -xzvf thermo_pw.1.1.1.tar.gz, you obtain a directory thermo_pw with the source files.
It is also possible to download the git version of thermo_pw as described at the web page: The git version of thermo_pw contains the most recent features and bug fixes but it might work only with the git version of QUANTUM ESPRESSO and its use for production runs is not advised.
Please read the web page: to have updated information about the compatibility between the git version of thermo_pw and QUANTUM ESPRESSO.
The web page contains also information on critical bugs found in the thermo_pw package and should be consulted before using thermo_pw.

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