The directories examples, examples_qe, inputs,
pseudo_tests, space_groups and tools_inputs
contain a set of examples that can be studied in order to learn how to
use the THERMO_PW package. The examples directory contains inputs
that run quickly but do not give converged results. These examples can
be studied
to see how the THERMO_PW code works in the different cases. The
reference directory of each example contains all the output
files produced by the run. A one-to-one comparison with the output
produced by running the example script is however not possible due to the
asynchronous nature of the runs. Only the plotted physical quantities
should be the same.
The directory examples_qe is used by developers. It
contains examples mostly imported from QUANTUM ESPRESSO that are used to check that
QUANTUM ESPRESSO functionalities are not spoiled by thermo_pw.
The directory inputs contains a set
of realistic inputs and reasonably converged results. Not all
output files are reported in the reference directory of each run.
The inputs examples are divided according to the structure type
and many material properties are calculated for each structure.
This directory can be seen as a gallery of the results that can be
obtained by the THERMO_PW code, or as a source of information for the
construction of a particular input geometry.
The directory pseudo_test contains a set of inputs that can
be used to test a pseudopotential library. It illustrates how to use THERMO_PW
for high-through-put calculations.
The directory space_groups contains a collection of structures
ordered by the space group number. They are used to test the space
groups routines. These inputs are also examples for the
keyword space_group and for the use of Wyckoff positions to give the
atomic coordinates in the pw.x input. You can also use these
structures for your calculations, but note that the cut-off energies and
the k-point meshes are not converged.
The directory tools_inputs give some examples of the inputs of
the auxiliary tools programs.