Quasiconvex Envelope

The quasiconvex envelope of W
coarse-grains the energetics of the system: it gives the minimum energy needed to produce the macroscopic deformation F, optimized over all possible admissible microstructures y(x). Here the notation tex2html_wrap_inline33 means that tex2html_wrap_inline35 is Lipschitz-continuous. Note also that the domain tex2html_wrap_inline37, whose volume we denote by tex2html_wrap_inline39, plays here the role of a representative volume element: it can be verified that tex2html_wrap_inline41 does not depend on tex2html_wrap_inline37. A function W is quasiconvex if it coincides with its envelope.

The use of tex2html_wrap_inline41 in the numerical computations allows one to resolve only the macroscopic length scale, with the (possibly infinitesimal) microscopic scale already accounted for in tex2html_wrap_inline41. Clearly, this approach gives only average information on the fine phase mixtures and focuses on the macroscopic response of the system.