Boris Dubrovin books
List of Books of Boris Dubrovin
Modern Geometry: Methods and Applications. Parts I, II.
(With S.P.Novikov and A.T.Fomenko.) Nauka, Moscow, 1979
(second edition 1986), 760 pp. English translation by Springer
Verlag in two separate volumes, second English edition 1992.
Modern Geometry: Methods of Homology Theory.
(With S.P.Novikov and A.T.Fomenko.)
Nauka, Moscow, 1984, 344 pp. English translation by Springer Verlag, 1990.
Riemann surfaces and non-linear equations. I.
Moscow State University Publishing House, Moscow, 1986, 96 pp.
English translation to be published by American Math. Society).
(With Yu.P.Soloviev.) Moscow State University Publishing House,
1989, 112 pp.
Geometry of Hamiltonian evolutionary systems.
Bibliopolis, Napoli, 1991, 129 pp.
Topological and Algebraic Geometry Methods in Contemporary Mathematical Physics.
(With I.Krichever and S.Novikov), Cambridge Sci. Publishers, 2004, 139 pp.
Normal forms of integrable PDEs, Frobenius manifolds
and Gromov - Witten invariants (with Youjin Zhang), in preparation.
(First draft in: (math/0108160) .)