Boris Dubrovin CV
Boris Dubrovin
Curriculum Vitae
Education and Degrees
- 1984: Abilitation ( = Doctor of Science in Phys.
and Math.),
Leningrad branch of Steklov Mathematical Institute.
Title of the thesis: "Abelian
varieties, theta-functions, and nonlinear equations"
- 1976: Ph.D. in Geometry and Topology,
Moscow State University.
Title of the thesis: " Spectral theory of finite-gap
Sturm-Liouville potentials, and Riemann surfaces".
- 1972: Master degree, Moscow State University.
1993 -- till present : Full Professor, International
School for Advanced Studies - SISSA, Trieste,
- 1988 -- 1993: Full Professor, Department of
Mechanics and Mathematics,
Moscow State University
- 1984 - 1988: Associate Professor, Department of
Mechanics and Mathematics,
Moscow State University
- 1975 - 1984: Assistant Professor, Department of
Mechanics and Mathematics,
Moscow State University
Selected Invited Talks:
- International Congress of Mathematical Physicists, Swansea, 1988
(45 min talk)
- 2nd European Congress of Mathematicians, Budapest, 1996 (plenary
- International Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin, 1998 (Section ``Differential Geometry and Global Analysis", 45 min talk)
- International Congress of Mathematical Physicists, Rio de
Janeiro, 2006 (plenary talk)
Prize of Moscow Mathematical Society, 1976
(jointly with A.Its and I.Krichever).
Participation in Editorial Boards
- Journal of High Energy Physics (electronic)
- Letters in Mathematical Physics
- Journal of Integrable Systems