Barbara Fantechi

Home Page of Barbara Fantechi

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Algebraic Geometry (03.10.07-20.12.07)

Abstract algebraic varieties as function spaces. Schemes as ringed spaces. Properties of schemes. Coherent sheaves. We will cover most of the material in Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry Chapter II.

Notes from a previous course; diary of the current course.

Closed Model Categories of Differential Graded Algebras and Schemes (20.10.07-19.12.07)

This is a seminar, run jointly with Dr. Donatella Iacono. Starting with the definition of category, we will introduce the notion of closed model category structure on a category, and analyze in detail differential graded algebras. We will then introduce differential graded schemes, state without proof the main results about them (due to Ciocan-Fontanine and Kapranov) and illustrate the relationship between dg schemes and the cotangent complex of a scheme. The seminar is a preliminary to research work towards interpreting dg-Hilb and dg-Quot as moduli spaces in Toen and Vezzosi's derived/homotopical algebraic geometry language; the methods proposed are replacing each dg scheme by its formal completion along the support scheme, and use the results of Manetti on extended deformation functors.

Virtual Fundamental Class (May-July, dates to be fixed)

We briefly outline the notion of algebraic stack in the sense of Artin. We then introduce the notion of absolute and relative obstruction theory and define the virtual class. We prove a deformation-theoretic criterion for obstruction theories, and then discuss computational techniques relating different virtual classes: in particular pullback formula, deformation invariance, Costello's pushforward formula, and Graber-Pandharipande's virtual localization.

Homological Methods in Algebraic Geometry (20.04.08-05.06.08)

Derived categories and functors. Cohomology. Pushforward and pullback. Ext and Tor. Spectral sequences. Dualizing complex. Cotangent complex.


[Under construction]

Students (past and present)

Dalide Pontoni, Quantum cohomology of $Hilb^2(P^1\times P^1)$, Università di Padova, January 2004.

Fabio Perroni, Orbifold cohomology of ADE singularities, Sissa, September 2005 (joint with L. Göttsche).

Elena Andreini, Quantum cohomology of gerbes, Sissa, expected October 2007.

Francesco Noseda, Virtual fundamental classes for Artin stacks, Sissa, expected November 2007.

Fabio Nironi, Moduli spaces of sheaves on an algebraic stack, Sissa, expected fall 2008.

Cristina Manolache, Sissa, expected fall 2009 (joint with I. Ciocan-Fontanine).

Nicola Tito Pagani, Orbifold cohomology of $\bar M_{1,n}$, Sissa, expected fall 2010.

Schools, conferences and workshops

Algebraic Geometry at Kinosaki Kinosaki, Japan, 22.10.07-26.10.07

Moduli Spaces Bonn, 02.01.08-11.01.08

Representation Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Physics Princeton, USA, 14.01.08-11.04.08

Classical Algebraic Geometry Oberwolfach, Germany, 09.06.08-14.06.08

Aspects of Moduli Pisa, Italy, 16.06.08-28.06.08

60 Miles London, UK, 16.07.07-18.07.08

Integrable Structures and Topological Strings, Trieste, Italy, 24.08.08-29.08.08

Levico Terme, Italy, 01.09.08-06.09.08

Algebraic Geometry at MSRI Berkeley, USA, sometime within 12.01.09-22.05.09

Past activities at Sissa

In January 2004 we have organized (hosted by ICTP) a Workshop on Deformation Theory in algebraic and symplectic geometry. The Vector Bundles on Algebraic Curves (VBAC) group of EAGER have organized together with SISSA a School and Workshop on Gromov-Witten invariants taking place at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste from June 21 to 26, 2004.


Via Beirut 4
34014 Trieste
email: tel: *-39-040-3787325 fax: *-39-040-3787528

Last updated on October 12, 2007.


Elena Andreini, Quantum cohomology of gerbes, Sissa, expected October 2007.

Francesco Noseda, Virtual fundamental classes for Artin stacks, Sissa, expected November 2007.

Fabio Nironi, Moduli spaces of sheaves on an algebraic stack, Sissa, expected fall 2008.

Cristina Manolache, Sissa, expected fall 2009 (joint with I. Ciocan-Fontanine).

Nicola Tito Pagani, Orbifold cohomology of $\bar M_{1,n}$, Sissa, expected fall 2010.