- Professor of Theoretical Physics at SISSA and member of the research group in Statistical Physics
- Coordinator of the PhD program in Statistical Physics
- SISSA coordinator of the PRIN project "Coarse-grained description for non-equilibrium system and transport phenomena" - CONEST 2019-2022
- Director of ILAS - Interdisciplinary Lab for Advanced Studies at SISSA
- SISSA Director's delegate for talent valorization
- Member of SISSA technology transfer committee
- Member of TQT - Trieste Institute for the Theory of Quantum Technologies
- Member of the international advisory board of MECO - Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics
- Member of the executive commitee of SIFS - Società Italiana di Fisica Statistica (Italian Society of Statistical Physics)
- Member of the programme committee of ESOF2020, Trieste
- Membro del comitato scientifico del Festival delle Scoperte

Research interests:
- Quantum and classical statistical physics: equilibrium and non-equilibrium collective phenomena, phase transitions, field theory and its applications, fluctuation-induced phenomena, soft and active matter, .... more here.

News & events
- Spring college on the physics of complex systems, 24 Feb. - 20 Mar. 2020, ICTP, Trieste (Italy)
- 729. WE-Heraeus seminar on fluctuation‐induced forces, 7 - 11 Sep. 2020, Bad Honnef (Germany)
Last update: Jan. 2020