%%% old files without PHASE field. %%% These files are slightly different from the new ones, because they %%% have not been processed by the automatic isochrone machine PARSEC V1.2s tracks Bressan A. et al. 2012, MNRAS, 427, 127 (V1.1) Chen Y. et al. 2014, MNRAS, 444, 2525 (very low mass stars down to 0.1 Msun) Tang J. et al. 2014, arXiv:1410.1745 (massive stars up to ~ 350Msun or more) Chen Y. et al. 2014, to be submitted (new bolometric corrections for massive stars) From pre main sequence to - 30Gyr very low mass stars - He flash low mass stars - a few thermal pulses intermediate mass stars - C ignition massive stars HB evolution of low mass stars Small data tables containing MODELL MASS AGE LOG_L LOG_TE LOG_R (log10 Luminosity Teff Radius) LOG_RAT (mass loss rate if not zero) M_CORE_HE (mass of H exhausted core -M_sun-) M_CORE_C (mass of He exhausted core -M_sun-) H_CEN HE_CEN C_cen O_cen (central composition by mass) LX LY LC LNEUTR L_GRAV (in L/Ltot) H_SUP HE_SUP C_SUP N_SUP O_SUP (surface composition by mass)