%%%%%%%%%%% last modified 23/12/2014 %%%%%%%%%%% new track files changed: added column PHASE see below %%%%%%%%%%% old files are in directory no_phase PARSEC V1.2s tracks Bressan A. et al. 2012, MNRAS, 427, 127 (V1.1) Chen Y. et al. 2014, MNRAS, 444, 2525 (very low mass stars down to 0.1 Msun) Tang J. et al. 2014, arXiv:1410.1745 (massive stars up to ~ 350Msun or more) Chen Y. et al. 2014, to be submitted (new bolometric corrections for massive stars) From pre main sequence to - 30Gyr very low mass stars - He flash low mass stars - a few thermal pulses intermediate mass stars - C ignition massive stars HB evolution of low mass stars Some filenames may contain the 'ADD' word. Discard these files because they are used only to merge sections with different critical point numbers (see the variable PHASE below). For each track we provide a small table containing MODELL MASS AGE LOG_L LOG_TE LOG_R (log10 Luminosity Teff Radius) LOG_RAT (mass loss rate if not zero) M_CORE_HE (mass of H exhausted core -M_sun-) M_CORE_C (mass of He exhausted core -M_sun-) H_CEN HE_CEN C_cen O_cen (central composition by mass) LX LY LC LNEUTR L_GRAV (in L/Ltot) H_SUP HE_SUP C_SUP N_SUP O_SUP (surface composition by mass) PHASE (added 23/12/2014) ------------------------------------ PHASE --------------------------------------- The last column (PHASE) represents the phase between selected critical points, along the tracks. Selected critical points for all tracks in each metallicity set may be found within the corresponding files in subdir pcrit Do not use the second section after the line # critical points in F7 files because these critical points refer to the original files (not processed by the automatic isochrone machine). In the track files, critical points correspond to integer values of the Phase, while fractional values are proportional to the fractional time duration between the current point and the beginning of that phase frac=(t-t_beg_i)/(t_end_i-t_beg_i)) (i=1, n_phases). Integer values correspond to the following points along the tracks (see files in pcrit): 1 PMS_BEG Track begins here (Pre main sequence) 2 PMS_MIN 3 PMS_END PMS is near to end 4 NEAR_ZAM This point is very near the ZAMS 5 MS_BEG H burning fully active 6 POINT_B Almost end of the H burning. Small contraction phase begins here for interm. & massive stars 7 POINT_C Small contraction ends here and star move toward RG 8 RG_BASE RG base 9 RG_BMP1 RGB bump in Low Mass Stars (marked also for other masses) 10 RG_BMP2 RGB bump end in Low Mass Stars (marked also for other masses) 11 RG_TIP Helium Flash or beginning of HELIUM Burning in intermediate and massive stars 12 Loop_A Base of Red He burning, before possible loop 13 Loop_B Bluest point of the loop (He burning 14 Loop_C central He = 0 almost 15 TPAGB begins or c_burning begins (massive stars, generally if LC > 2.9) Notes 1) points are selected automatically and so there may be some approximate locations. 2) Not all tracks contain all phases (very low mass end when t=30Gyr, still on the main sequence) 3) Very massive stars have not clearly recognizable behaviour in the HR: He burning phases are mainly based on fractional central He content, plus last point (C-ignition) The same holds for HB tracks where only central He burning is present.