In [1] I have proposed an alternative method for analyzing the clustering morphology which is a generalization of the 2-point function and is based on the spherical harmonic analysis. The method is drawn from molecular dynamics simulations, where it has been introduced for studying orientational order of supercooled liquids and metallic glasses [2]. Let us consider a system of Np particles. The i-th particle has coordinates , in an arbitrary reference frame. For a specified cutoff radius Rc all the particles such that are neighbors of i. The line joining i to one of the j is termed a bond. The angular coordinates of the vector are and the quantity
The coefficients
are defined as the
bond-orientational order parameters and they
can be drastically changed by a rotation of the reference systems.
A natural quantity to consider , which is rotation invariant, is
This equation can be greatly simplified: let
j be the set of neighbors of the particle i
and p that of the particle k, which satisfy
Then the summation becomes
The effectiveness of the statistical analysis in quantifying clustering morphology is studied [1] by applying the statistical estimator Gl to point distributions produced by an ensemble of cosmological N- body simulations with a CDM spectrum. The results shown that the statistical method defined by the function Gl(r) can be used to analyze the clustering morphology produced by gravitational clustering in a quantitative way. The function Gl(r) describes anisotropies in the clustering distribution by measuring the degree of correlation between the angular densities as seen from two different observers separated by r. Gl(r) can then be considered a statistical measure of clustering patterns, with different scales probed by varying the input parameters l and Rc. With large redshift surveys becoming available in the next few years, the proposed statistical method appears as a promising tool for analyzing patterns in the galaxy distribution.