


[120] A. Silva, X. Gao, M. Gianetti, R. Guerra, N. Manini, A. Vanossi, M. Urbakh, and O. Hod,

"Emerging chirality and moiré dynamics in twisted layered material heterostructures",

ACS Nano 18, 30957 (2024).


[119] G.H. Spasov, R. Rossi, A. Vanossi, C. Cottini, and A. Benassi,

"A critical cnalysis of the CFD-DEM simulation of pharmaceutical aerosols deposition in upper intra-thoracic airways: considerations on aerosol transport and deposition",

Pharmaceutics 16, 1119 (2024).


[118] A. Khosravi, J. Wang, A. Silva, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti,

"Rheological softening of metal nanocontacts sheared under oscillatory strains",

Phys. Rev. Materials 8, 076001 (2024)


[117] J. Wang, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti,

"Effective stick-slip parameter for structurally lubric two-dimensional interface friction",

Phys. Rev. B 109, 134102 (2024).


[116] R. Buzio, A. Gerbi, C. Bernini, L. Repetto, A. Silva, and A. Vanossi,

"Probing superlubricity of layered Van der Waals contact junctions by Colloidal Probe Atomic Force Microscopy", (invited chapter)

in “Fundamentals of Friction and Wear on the Nanoscale”, 213-239, (E. Gnecco & E. Meyer Eds., Springer, 2024).


[115] J. Wang, A. Khosravi, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti

"Colloquium: Sliding and pinning in structurally lubric 2D material interfaces", (review article)

Rev. Mod. Phys. 96, 011002 (2024).


[114] G.H. Spasov, R. Rossi, A. Vanossi, C. Cottini, and A. Benassi,

"A critical analysis of the CFD-DEM simulation of pharmaceutical aerosols deposition in upper intra-thoracic airways: considerations on air flow", 

Comput. Biol. Med.170, 107948 (2024).


[113] J. Wang, A. Khosravi, A. Silva, M. Fabrizio, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti,

"Bending stiffness collapse, buckling, topological bands of freestanding twisted bilayer graphene",

Phys. Rev. B 108, L081407 (2023).


[112] M.M. Gianetti, R. Guerra, A. Vanossi, M. Urbakh, and N. Manini,

"Electric-field frictional effects in confined zwitterionic molecules",

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 1903 (2023).


[111] R. Buzio, A. Gerbi, C. Bernini, L. Repetto, A. Silva, and A. Vanossi,

"Dissipation Mechanisms and Superlubricity in Solid Lubrication by Wet-Transferred Solution-Processed Graphene Flakes: Implications for Micro Electromechanical Devices",

ACS Applied Nano Materials 6, 11443 (2023).


[110] A. Mescola, A. Silva, A. Khosravi, A. Vanossi, E. Tosatti, S. Valeri, and G. Paolicelli,

"Anisotropic rheology and friction of suspended graphene",

Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 054007 (2023).


[109] E. Panizon, A. Silva, X. Cao, J. Wang, C. Bechinger, A. Vanossi, E. Tosatti, and N. Manini,

"Frictionless nanohighways on crystalline surfaces", 

Nanoscale 15, 1299 (2023).


[108] G.H. Spasov, R. Rossi, A. Vanossi, C. Cottini, and A. Benassi,

"A critical analysis of the CFD-DEM simulation of pharmaceutical aerosols deposition in extra-torachcic airways", 

Int. J. Pharm. 629, 122331 (2022).


[107] R. Buzio, A. Gerbi, C. Bernini, L. Repetto, and A. Vanossi,

"Sliding friction and superlubricity of colloidal AFM probes coated by tribo-induced graphitic transfer layers",

Langmuir 38, 12570 (2022).


[106] X. Cao, A. Silva, E. Panizon, A. Vanossi, N. Manini, E. Tosatti, and C. Bechinger,

"Moiré-pattern evolution couples rotational and translational friction at crystalline interfaces",

Phys. Rev. X 12, 021059 (2022).


[105] A. Khosravi, A Lainé, A. Vanossi, J. Wang, A. Siria, and E. Tosatti,

"Understanding the rheology of nanocontacts",

Nature Communications 13, 2428 (2022).


[104] A. Silva, E. Tosatti, and A. Vanossi,

"Critical Peeling of Tethered Nanoribbons",

Nanoscale 14, 6384 (2022).


[103] M.M. Gianetti, R. Guerra, A. Vanossi, M. Urbakh, and N. Manini,

"Thermal Friction Enhancement in Zwitterionic Monolayers",

J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 2797 (2022).


[102] R. Buzio, A. Gerbi, C. Bernini, L. Repetto, and A Vanossi,

"Graphite superlubricity enabled by triboinduced nanocontacts",

Carbon 184, 875 (2021).


[101] A. Lainé, A. Vanossi, A. Nigues, E. Tosatti, and A. Siria,

"Amplitude nanofriction spectroscopy",

Nanoscale 13, 1955 (2021).


[100] X. Cao, E. Panizon, A. Vanossi, N. Manini, E. Tosatti, and C. Bechinger,

"Pervasive orientational and directional locking at geometrically heterogeneous sliding interfaces",

Phys. Rev. E 103, 012606 (2021).


[99] A. Vanossi, C. Bechinger, and M. Urbakh,

"Structural lubricity in soft and hard matter systems",

Nature Communications 11, 4657 (2020).


[98] X. Cao, E. Panizon, A. Vanossi, N. Manini, E. Tosatti, and C. Bechinger,

"Pile-up transmission and reflection of topological defects at grain boundaries in colloidal crystals",

Nature Communications 11, 3079 (2020).


[97] L. Gigli, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti,

"Modeling nanoribbon peeling",

Nanoscale 11, 17396 (2019).


[96] X. Cao, E. Panizon, A. Vanossi, N. Manini, and C. Bechinger,

"Orientational and directional locking of colloidal clusters driven across periodic surfaces",

Nature Physics 15, 776 (2019).


[95] L. Gigli, S. Kawai, R. Guerra, N. Manini, R. Pawlak, X. Feng, K. Müllen, P. Ruffieux, R. Fasel, E. Tosatti, E. Meyer, and A. Vanossi,

"Detachment dynamics of graphene nanoribbons on gold ",

ACS Nano 13, 689 (2019).


[94] E. Gnecco, S. Perkin, A. Vanossi, and E. Meyer,


Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 9, 2330 (2018).


[93] A. Vanossi, D. Dietzel, A. Schirmeisen, E. Meyer, R. Pawlak, T. Glatzel, M. Kisiel, S. Kawai, and N. Manini,

"Recent highlights in nanoscale and mesoscale friction", (review article)

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 9, 1995 (2018).


[92] D. Mandelli, R. Guerra, W. Ouyang, M. Urbakh, and A. Vanossi,

"Static friction boost in edge-driven incommensurate contacts",

Phys. Rev. Mater 2, 046001 (2018).


[91] T. Brazda, A. Silva, N. Manini, A. Vanossi, R. Guerra, E. Tosatti, and C. Bechinger,

"Experimental observation of the Aubry transition in two-dimensional colloidal monolayers",

Phys. Rev. X 8, 011050 (2018).


[90] L. Gigli, N. Manini, E. Tosatti, R. Guerra, and A. Vanossi,

"Lifted graphene nanoribbons on gold: from smooth sliding to multiple stick-slip regimes",

Nanoscale 10, 2073 (2018).


[89] C. Apostoli, G. Giusti, J. Ciccoianni, G. Riva, R.L. Woulaché, A. Vanossi, E. Panizon, and N. Manini,

"Velocity dependence of sliding friction on a crystalline surface",

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 8, 2186 (2017).


[88] L. Gigli, N. Manini, A. Benassi, E. Tosatti, A. Vanossi, and R. Guerra,

"Graphene nanoribbons on gold: understanding superlubricity and edge effects",

2D Materials 4, 045003 (2017).


[87] R. Guerra, I. Leven, A. Vanossi, O. Hod, and E. Tosatti,

"Smallest Archimedean screw: facet dynamics and friction in multiwalled nanotubes ",

Nano Letters 17, 5321 (2017).


[86] R. Guerra, M. van Wijk, A. Vanossi, A. Fasolino, and E. Tosatti,

"Graphene on h-BN: to align or not to align?",

Nanoscale 9, 8799 (2017).


[85] D. Mandelli, A. Vanossi, N. Manini, and E. Tosatti,

"Finite-temperature phase diagram and critical point of the Aubry pinned-sliding transition in a two-dimensional monolayer",

Phys. Rev. B 95, 245403 (2017).


[84] N. Manini, G. Mistura, G. Paolicelli, E. Tosatti, and A. Vanossi,

"Current trends in the physics of nanoscale friction", (review article)

Advances in Physics X 2, 569 (2017).


[83] I. Leven, R. Guerra, A. Vanossi, E. Tosatti, and O. Hod,

"Multiwalled nanotube faceting unravelled",

Nature Nanotechnology 11, 1082 (2016).


[82] N. Manini, O.M. Braun, E. Tosatti, R. Guerra, and A. Vanossi,

"Friction and nonlinear dynamics", (review article)

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28, 293001 (2016).


[81] A. Vanossi,

"Elements of Friction Theory and Nanotribology"

American Journal of Physics 84, 815 (2016).


[80] R. Guerra, E. Tosatti, and A. Vanossi,

"Slider thickness promotes lubricity: from 2D islands to 3D clusters",

Nanoscale 8, 11108 (2016).


[79] R. Guerra, A. Benassi, A. Vanossi, M. Ma, and M. Urbakh,

"Friction and adhesion mediated by supramolecular host-guest complexes",

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 9248 (2016).


[78] S. Paronuzzi, G. Fornasier, N. Manini, G.E. Santoro, E. Tosatti, and A. Vanossi

"Subharmonic Shapiro steps of sliding colloidal monolayers in optical lattices",

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28, 134006 (2016).


[77] A. Benassi, M. Ma, M. Urbakh, and A. Vanossi,

"The breakdown of superlubricity by driving-induced commensurate dislocations",

Scientific Reports 5, 16134 (2015).


[76] D. Mandelli, A. Vanossi, M. Invernizzi, S. Paronuzzi, N. Manini, and E. Tosatti

"Superlubric-pinned transition in sliding incommensurate colloidal monolayers",

Phys. Rev. B 92, 134306 (2015).


[75] R. Capozza, A. Benassi, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti

"Electrical charging effects on the sliding friction of a model nano-confined ionic liquid",

J. Chem. Phys. 143, 144703 (2015).


[74] M. Pierno, L. Bruschi, G. Mistura, G. Paolicelli, A. di Bona, S. Valeri, R. Guerra, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti,

"Frictional transition from superlubric islands to pinned monolayers",

Nature Nanotechnology 10, 714 (2015).


[73] D. Mandelli, A. Vanossi, N. Manini, and E. Tosatti,

"Friction boosted by equilibrium misalignment of incommensurate two-dimensional colloid monolayers",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 108302 (2015).


[72] R. Capozza, A. Vanossi, A. Benassi, and E. Tosatti,

"Squeezout phenomena and boundary layer formation of a model ionic liquid under confinement and charging",

J. Chem. Phys. 142, 064707 (2015).


[71] M. Ma, A. Benassi, A. Vanossi, and M. Urbakh,

"Critical length limiting superlow friction",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 055501 (2015).


[70] N. Varini, A. Vanossi, R. Guerra, D. Mandelli, R. Capozza, and E. Tosatti,

"Static friction scaling of physisorbed islands: the key is in the edge",

Nanoscale 7, 2093 (2015).


[69] A. Vanossi, N. Manini, and E. Tosatti,

"Driven colloidal monolayers: static and dynamic friction", pp 427-449 (invited chapter)

in Fundamentals of Friction and Wear on the Nanoscale

edited by E. Gnecco and E. Meyer (Springer, 2015).


[68] N. Manini, O. Braun, and A. Vanossi,

"Nanotribology: nonlinear mechanisms of friction", pp 175-208 (invited chapter)

in Fundamentals of Friction and Wear on the Nanoscale

edited by E. Gnecco and E. Meyer (Springer, 2015).


[67] A. Benassi, A. Vanossi, C.A. Pignedoli, D. Passerone, and E. Tosatti,

"Does rotational melting make molecular crystal surfaces more slippery?",

Nanoscale 6, 13163 (2014).


[66] A. Vigentini, B. Van Hattem, E, Diato, P. Ponzellini, T. Meledina, A. Vanossi, G.E. Santoro, E. Tosatti, and N. Manini,

"Soliton dynamics in a solid lubricant during sliding friction",

Phys. Rev. B 89, 094301 (2014).


[65] R.L. Woulache, A. Vanossi, and N. Manini,

"Influence of substrate potential shape on the dynamics of a sliding lubricant chain",

Phys. Rev. E 88, 012810 (2013).


[64] D. Mandelli, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti,

"Stick-slip nanofriction in trapped cold ion chains",

Phys. Rev. B 87, 195418 (2013).


[63] A. Vanossi, N. Manini, M. Urbakh, S. Zapperi, and E. Tosatti,

"Colloquium: Modeling friction: from nanoscale to mesoscale",

Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 529 (2013).


[62] A. Vanossi, A. Benassi, N. Varini, and E. Tosatti,

"High-pressure lubricity at the meso- and nanoscale",

Phys. Rev. B 87, 045412 (2013).


[61] A. Vanossi, N. Manini, and E. Tosatti,

"Static and dynamic friction in sliding colloidal monolayers",

PNAS 109, 16429 (2012).


[60] R. Guerra, U. Tartaglino, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti,

"Nanoattrito balistico",

CNR Highlights 2010-2011, 108 (2012).


[59] R. Capozza, A. Vanossi, A. Vezzani, and S. Zapperi,

"Triggering frictional slip by mechanical vibrations",

Tribology Letters 48, 95 (2012).


[58] A. Benassi, A. Vanossi, G.E. Santoro, and E. Tosatti,

"Optimal energy dissipation in sliding friction simulations",

Tribology Letters 48, 41 (2012).


[57] A. Vanossi and E. Tosatti,

"Colloidal friction: kinks in motion",

Nature Materials 11, 97 (2012).


[56] A.E. Filippov, A. Vanossi, and M. Urbakh,

Answer to Comment on "Origin of friction anisotropy on a quasicrystal surface",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 209402 (2011).


[55] A. Benassi, A. Vanossi, G.E. Santoro, and E. Tosatti,

"Sliding over a phase transition",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 256102 (2011);

selected also for Volume 24 Issue 1 of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.


[54] A. Benassi, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti,

"Nanofriction in Cold Ion Traps",

Nature Communications 2, 236 (2011).



[53] M. Rovatti, G. Paolicelli, A. Vanossi, and S. Valeri

"Sliding onset of nanoclusters: a new AFM based approach"

Meccanica 46, 597 (2011).


[52] R. Guerra, U. Tartaglino, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti,

"Ballistic nanofriction",

CNR Highlights 2009-2010, 113 (2010).


[51] O. Gulseren, N. Manini, E. Meyer, E. Tosatti, M. Urbakh, and A. Vanossi,

"New Trends in Nanotribology",

Tribology Letters 39, 227 (2010).


[50] A. Benassi, A. Vanossi, G.E. Santoro, and E. Tosatti,

"Parameter-free dissipation in simulated sliding friction",

Phys. Rev. B 82, 081401(R) (2010).


[49] R. Guerra, U. Tartaglino, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti,

"Ballistic nanofriction",

Nature Materials 9, 634 (2010).

(Highlighted in ‘News & Views’ of Nature Materials, Nature Materials 9, 615 (2010))

selected also for Volume 22 Issue 6 of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.



[48] A.E. Filippov, A. Vanossi, and M. Urbakh,

"Origin of friction anisotropy on a quasicrystal surface",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 074302 (2010).


[47] C. Negri, N. Manini, A. Vanossi, G.E. Santoro, and E. Tosatti,

"AFM dissipation topography of soliton superstructures in adsorbed overlayers",         

Phys. Rev. B 81, 045417 (2010);

selected also for Volume 21 Issue 4 of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.


[46] I.E. Castelli, R. Capozza, A. Vanossi, G.E. Santoro, N. Manini, and E. Tosatti,

"Tribology of the lubricant quantized-sliding state",

J. Chem. Phys. 131, 174711 (2009).


[45] G. Paolicelli, M. Rovatti, A. Vanossi, and S. Valeri,

"Controlling single cluster dynamics at the nanoscale",         

Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 143121 (2009).


[44] R. Capozza, A. Vanossi, A. Vezzani, and S. Zapperi,

"Suppression of friction by mechanical vibrations",         

Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 085502 (2009);

selected also for Volume 20 Issue 9 of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.



[43] G. Paolicelli, M. Rovatti, A. Vanossi, and S. Valeri,

"AFM-based investigation to Au nanocluster adhesion",

in Proceedings of the 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics (SEECCM 2009), June 2009, Rhodes, Greece.


[42] C. Negri, N. Manini, A. Vanossi, G.E. Santoro, and E. Tosatti,

"Theory of AFM frictional dissipation at surface moire patterns",

in Proceedings of the 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics (SEECCM 2009), June 2009, Rhodes, Greece.


[41] A. Vanossi, N. Manini, R. Capozza, I.E. Castelli, G. Divitini, G.E. Santoro, and E. Tosatti,

"Exactly quantized sliding of a confined solid lubricant under shear",

in Proceedings of the 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics (SEECCM 2009), June 2009, Rhodes, Greece.


[40] M. Rovatti, G. Paolicelli, A. Vanossi, and S. Valeri,

"Adhesion at nanoscale: an AFM-based approach",

in Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Tribology (ECOTRIB 2009), June 2009, Pisa, Italy.


[39] A.E. Filippov, A. Vanossi, and M. Urbakh,

"Rotary motors sliding along surfaces",

Phys. Rev. E 79, 021108 (2009).



[38] R. Guerra, A. Vanossi, and M. Urbakh,

"Controlling microscopic friction through mechanical oscillations",

Phys. Rev. E  78, 036110 (2008);

selected also for Volume 18 Issue 12 of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.



[37] G. Paolicelli, K. Mougin, A. Vanossi, and S. Valeri,

"Adhesion detachment and movement of gold nanoclusters induced by dynamic atomic force microscopy",

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 354011 (2008).


[36] I.E. Castelli, N. Manini, R. Capozza, A. Vanossi, G.E. Santoro, and E.Tosatti,

"Role of transverse displacements for a quantized-velocity state of a lubricant",

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 354005 (2008).


[35] C. Fusco, R. Smith, M. Urbakh, and A. Vanossi,

"Friction at the nanoscale",

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 350301 (2008).


[34] R. Capozza, A. Fasolino, M. Ferrario, and A. Vanossi,

"Lubricated friction on nanopatterned surfaces via molecular dynamics simulations",

Phys. Rev. B 77, 235432 (2008);

selected also for Volume 18 Issue 1 of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.


[33] G. Paolicelli, K. Mougin, A. Vanossi, and S. Valeri,

"Controlled manipulation of thiol-functionalised gold nanoparticles on Si(100) by dynamic force microscopy",

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 100, 052008 (2008).


[32] N. Manini, G.E. Santoro, E. Tosatti, and A. Vanossi

"Nonlinear hysteretic behavior of a confined sliding layer",

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 224020 (2008).


[31] R. Capozza, A. Fasolino, A. Vanossi, and M. Ferrario

"Boundary-lubricated friction in presence of a nano-well"

Journal of Materials Science 43, 3435 (2008).


[30] A. Vanossi, G. E. Santoro, N. Manini, E. Tosatti, and O. M. Braun,

"Lubricated friction between incommensurate substrates",

Tribology International 41, 920 (2008).


[29] R. Capozza, A. Vanossi, M. Ferrario, and A. Fasolino,

"Lubricated friction on patterned surfaces"

in Science and Supercomputing in Europe, HPC-Europa Transnational Access report 2007, (ISBN: 978-88-86037-21-1), pp. 899-902.


[28] N. Manini, A. Vanossi, G.E. Santoro, and E. Tosatti

"Dynamic hysteresis of a confined lubricant under shear",

Phys. Rev. E 76, 046603 (2007).


[27] A. Vanossi, N. Manini, F. Caruso, G. E. Santoro, and E. Tosatti,

"Static friction on the fly: velocity depinning transitions of lubricants in motion",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 206101 (2007);

selected also for Volume 16 Issue 22 of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.


[26] A. Vanossi, G. E. Santoro, N. Manini, M. Cesaratto, and E. Tosatti,

"Hysteresis from dynamically pinned sliding states",

Surf. Sci. 601, 3670 (2007).


[25] R. Guerra, A. Vanossi, and M. Ferrario,

"Nonlinear mobility of a driven system: temperature and disorder effects",

Surf. Sci. 601, 3676 (2007).


[24] M. Cesaratto, N. Manini, A. Vanossi, E. Tosatti, and G. E. Santoro,

"Kink plateau dynamics in finite-size lubricant chains",

Surf. Sci. 601, 3682 (2007).


[23] A. Vanossi and O. M. Braun,

"Driven dynamics of simplified tribological models", (review article)

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 305017 (2007).


[22] N. Manini, M. Cesaratto, G. E. Santoro, E. Tosatti, and A. Vanossi,

"Solitons and exact velocity quantization of incommensurate sliders",

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 305016 (2007).


[21] S. Pisov, E. Tosatti, U. Tartaglino, and A. Vanossi,

"Gold clusters sliding on graphite: a possible Quartz Crystal Microbalance experiment?",

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 305015 (2007).


[20] R. Guerra, A. Vanossi, and M. Ferrario,

"Nonlinear dynamics of a driven, underdamped chain: effects of disorder and temperature",

in (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Tribology

(ISBN: 88-902333-0-3), AITC-AIT 2006, Parma, Italy.


[19] S. Valeri, D. Marchetto, A. Rota, A. Vanossi, and G. C. Gazzadi,

"New Net-LAB SUP&RMAN and first results in nanotribology",

in (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Tribology

(ISBN: 88-902333-0-3), AITC-AIT 2006, Parma, Italy.


[18] A. Vanossi, N. Manini, G. Divitini, G. E. Santoro, and E. Tosatti,

"Exactly quantized dynamics of classical incommensurate sliders",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 056101 (2006);

selected also for Volume 14 Issue 7 of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.


[17] A. Vanossi, G. E. Santoro, N. Manini, G. Divitini, E. Tosatti, and O. M. Braun,

"Lubricated friction between incommensurate substrates",

in (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (ISBN: 87-904 16-17-1), NORDTRIB 2006, Helsingřr, Denmark.


[16] A. Vanossi and O. M. Braun,

"Simulation of nanofriction through driven simplified models", (invited chapter)

in Advances in Contact Mechanics: Implications for Materials Science, Engineering and Biology,

edited by R. Buzio and U. Valbusa (Research Signpost, Kerala, 2006).


[15] G. E. Santoro, A. Vanossi, N. Manini, G. Divitini, and E. Tosatti,

"Asymmetric frictional sliding between incommensurate surfaces",

Surf. Sci. 600, 2726 (2006).


[14] O. M. Braun, M. Peyrard, V. Bortolani, A. Franchini, and A. Vanossi,

"The transition from smooth sliding to stick-slip motion in a single frictional contact",

Phys. Rev. E 72, 056116 (2005).


[13] O. M. Braun, A. Vanossi, and E. Tosatti,

"Incommensurability of a confined system under shear",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 026102 (2005).


[12] A. Franchini, V. Bortolani, A. Vanossi, and R. F. Wallis,

"Interaction of intrinsic localized modes in the gap of doped semiconductors with plasmons",

Nanotechnology 15, 966 (2004).


[11] A. Vanossi, G. Santoro, and V. Bortolani,

"Hysteretic behavior in driven Frenkel-Kontorova chains on irregular substrates",

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, S2895 (2004).


[10] A. Vanossi, A. R. Bishop, and V. Bortolani,

"Role of substrate geometry in sliding friction",

Nanotechnology 15, 790 (2004).


[9] A. Vanossi, A. R. Bishop, A. Franchini, and V. Bortolani,

"Modelling study of microscopic sliding on irregular substrates",

Surf. Sci. 566, 816 (2004).


[8] A. Vanossi, J. Röder, A. R. Bishop, and V. Bortolani,

"Commensurate sliding on a multiple-well substrate potential",

Mater. Sci. Eng. C 23, 879 (2003).


[7] A. Vanossi, J. Röder, A. R. Bishop, and V. Bortolani,

"Underdamped commensurate dynamics in a driven Frenkel-Kontorova type model",

Phys. Rev. E 67, 016605 (2003).


[6] A. Vanossi, J. Röder, A. R. Bishop, and V. Bortolani,,

"Nonlinear dynamics of a quasiperiodic Frenkel-Kontorova model",

 edited by M.J. Ablowitz, M. Boiti, F. Pempinelli and B. Prinari, in "Nonlinear Physics: Theory and Experiments. II",

(World Scientific Pu. Co. - Singapore), 2003, pp. 302-308.


[5] A. Vanossi, A. Franchini, and V. Bortolani,

"Anharmonic effects in a finite Frenkel-Kontorova type chain",

Surf. Sci. 502, 437 (2002).


[4] Y. B. Gaididei, A. R. Bishop, K. Ř. Rasmussen, A. Vanossi, and V. Bortolani,

"Energy localization in pumped systems",

Phys. Rev. B 64, 104303 (2001).


[3] A. Vanossi, J. Röder, A. R. Bishop, and V. Bortolani,

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