
2. Login and password

2.1 Logging in via ssh

The safest way to log on SISSA computers is by ssh (Secure SHell) command. In this way the password you type is encrypted before being sent to the remote computer (in fact, everything in a ssh session is encrypted). Use of ssh command:
your-name's password:
(type your password - it is not echoed to screen!)

The first time you are connecting to a machine, ssh will ask you to confirm the connection. Note that ssh doesn't ask your username: it takes as default your local username.

You can log in with a different user name typing
ssh -l your-other-name or

A more advanced use of ssh makes use of the so-called public key authentication. Once you set up this, you don't need to type any password to log in to remote machines, but only a passphrase to unlock your locally-stored private key. Note that

Please see ssh documentation (man ssh, man ssh-keygen) for more information. Public Key Authentication micro-howto

This will tell you how to set up PK authentication in less than three minutes; it will not explain you what PK authentication is. Each step is dangerous. If you don't understand what is going on, please just skip this paragraph.

generate your keys
You need first to generate your private and public keys:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Be sure to choose a good passphrase: it should be longer and more difficult to guess than your password
copy your public key to remote host
Your public key needs to be copied to the remote host:
scp /.ssh/ remotehost:.ssh/authorized_keys
Be sure you copy the public key, not the private one (id_rsa)! Note that this will overwrite any existing authorized_keys file! If you need to append to that file, scp the key to some other temporary file in your home directory, then log in to the remote host and manually append the key to the existing authorized_key file
start the agent
The ssh agent will keep your private key(s) ready for use:
eval `ssh-agent`
(this fancy syntax is needed because ssh-agent outputs some commands that need to be executed by the running shell)
register your private key
When started, ssh-agent holds no keys; you need to add them:
ssh-add -t time
(you will be prompted for your passphrase)
Now you should be able to log in to the remote system with the public key only

There is no way to recover a lost passphrase
Always set a lifetime for your keys when using ssh-add
Protect your keys

Ssh messages

There are many messages you can receive from ssh itself before and during the login procedure. Sometimes you are requested to confirm some action; note that when ssh asks you to type «yes», it actually means yes<enter>, not just <enter> or y<enter>.

2.2 Logging in via telnet

The use of telnet is strongly discouraged. Telnet does not encrypt what you type at the keyboard nor what comes back to your screen including your username and password. This means that everyone on the Internet may see (and steal) those information. Telnet is not supported within SISSA network.

2.3 Logging out

Simply type exit at the shell prompt, or press <ctrl-d>.

2.4 Changing your cluster-wide password

You can change your password at any workstation with the command yppasswd:
$ yppasswd
Changing NIS account information for your-name on
Please enter old password: (type your old password - not shown)
Please enter new password: (type your new password - not shown)
Please re-enter new password: (type your new password again)

Please note that

You can use ypchsh to change your login shell. Please see man yppasswd or man ypchsh for more information.

In the (unlikely) event you have a local (workstation-only) password, the same rules apply. Only use passwd (resp. chsh) instead of yppasswd (resp. ypchsh).

2.5 Choosing a «good» password

When choosing your password you should follow some rules to ensure a reasonable degree of security:

  1. Never use your first or last name, not even as part of the password
  2. Never use any word one can find in a dictionary; many password-cracking programs use ten or more dictionaries, so do not rely on your native language being «exotic enough»
  3. Never use a word one can find in a dictionary with a few digits or special characters prepended or appended: «19secret!» is not much safer than simply «secret»
  4. Never use a word one can find in a dictionary with some letter case scrambling: «pAsswORd» is not better than «password»
  5. Use a password length of at least six characters (or more)
  6. Use a password you can easily remember, e.g. «My password is really a good one» $\longrightarrow$ «Mpirag1» (not this one please!)


... again.2.1
The known_hosts file has very long lines. Be sure not to truncate or split them, or you will break your ssh setup.
Piero Calucci 2004-11-05