Lorenzo Cecchi

My picture

Hello! 😀 I am a second year PhD student in Geometry and Mathematical Physics at SISSA. Here is my CV. I am currently working on Wasserstein distances on "geometric" spaces (e.g. moduli spaces of complex projective hypersurfaces), under the supervision of prof. Antonio Lerario.

Picture about my research

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Previous projects

Deformation of a geodesic

🎓 In my Master's thesis (under prof. Valentino Magnani) I studied Fréchet manifolds and in particular a possible correlation between unbounded sectional curvatures and vanishing Riemannian distances. Fréchet manifolds represent a good compromise between very general (locally convex) and too restrictive (Banach/Hilbert) frameworks, with both abundance of meaningful examples and good (categorical) properties of smooth functions. Here are the slides of my dissertation.

Boy surface

📜 In my Bachelor's thesis (under prof. Riccardo Benedetti) I learnt how Stiefel-Whitney classes provide estimates on the smallest n required to immerse compact manifolds into ℝn; in particular, a uniform lower bound for k-dimensional manifolds is given by the number of 1s in the dyadic expansion of k! (exclamation point, not factorial). Again you can find the slides of my dissertation.

When you think you are not good enough

Here is a true story that happened long time ago during a PhD examination at Princeton. Solomon Lefschetz, arguably a top mathematician, was in the committee. At one point the student was asked to prove the Picard-Lefschetz formula. Yes, the same Lefschetz. The student got stuck and had the "audacity" to ask Lefschetz to "unstuck" him. Lefschetz got stuck too. (It is a slick result.) The student passed the exam. [from a Quora answer by Liviu Nicolaescu]