









Document of Work




Quasistatic and Dynamic Evolution Problems in Plasticity and Fracture




Past Events





February 13-16. Miniworkshop on dislocations, plasticity, and fracture at SISSA. Invited speakers:


Stefano Almi (Technische Universitt Mnchen)

Jean-Franois Babadjian (Universit Paris 6)

Vito Crismale (Universit Paris 6)

Elisa Davoli (Universitt Wien)

Matteo Focardi (Universit di Firenze)

Gilles Francfort (Universit Paris Nord)

Manuel Friedrich (Universitt Wien)

Alessandro Giacomini (Universit di Brescia)

Flaviana Iurlano (Universit Paris 6)

Dorothee Knees (Universitt Kassel)

Chris Larsen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

Maria Giovanna Mora (Universit di Pavia)

Marco Morandotti (Technische Universitt Mnchen)

Matteo Negri (Universit di Pavia)

Gianluca Orlando (Technische Universitt Mnchen)

Marcello Ponsiglione (Sapienza Universit di Roma)

Riccarda Rossi (Universit di Brescia)

Lucia Scardia (University of Bath)

Francesco Solombrino (Technische Universitt Mnchen)

Marita Thomas (WIAS Berlin)


Organizers: Gianni Dal Maso and Rodica Toader.






June 6-10. Workshop on Advances in the Mathematical Analysis of Material Defects in Elastic Solids at SISSA. Invited speakers:


Amit Acharya (Carnegie Mellon University)

Andrea Braides (Universit di Roma Tor Vergata)

Vasily V. Bulatov (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Antonin Chambolle (cole Polytechnique)

Marco Cicalese (TU Mnchen)

Sergio Conti (Universitt Bonn)

Gilles Francfort (Universit Paris-Nord)

Marc G.D. Geers (TU Eindhoven)

Klaus Hackl (Ruhr-Universitt Bochum)

Christopher J. Larsen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

Giuliano Lazzaroni (SISSA)

Claude Le Bris (ENPC)

Jean-Jacques Marigo (cole Polytechnique, Palaiseau)

Robert McMeeking (UCSB)

Alexander Mielke (Humboldt Universitt and WIAS)

Michael Ortiz (Caltech)

Mark A. Peletier (TU Eindhoven)

Krishnaswamy Ravi-Chandar (UT Austin)

Giuseppe Savar (Universit di Pavia)

Rodica Toader (Universit di Udine)

Jay R. Walton (Texas A&M)


Organizers: Gianni Dal Maso, Antonio DeSimone, and Marco Morandotti






February 23-May 15. An intensive period on Variational Methods for Plasticity and Dislocations took place at SISSA, Trieste. The activities were organized around the following one-week minicourses, with daily lectures:


Amit Acharya (Carnegie Mellon University): Continuum mechanical modeling of the dynamics of dislocations (April 13-17).


Roberto Alicandro (Universit di Cassino) : Metastability and dynamics of discrete topological singularities (April 27-30).


Andrea Braides (Universit di Roma Tor Vergata) : Topics in the passage discrete-to-continuum for lattice systems (April 20-24).


Marco Cicalese (Technische Universitt Mnchen) : Variational analysis of classical spin systems with discrete and continuous symmetries (April 20-24).


Sergio Conti (Universitt Bonn) : Relaxation of variational models in plasticity and nonlinear elasticity (March 9-13).


Gilles Francfort (Universit Paris-Nord) : A few questions in small strain elasto-plasticity: heterogeneity, conditions for the existence of plastic slips, and examples of uniqueness and non-uniqueness (May 4-8).


Adriana Garroni (Sapienza - Universit di Roma) : Multi-scale analysis for dislocations: the phase field approximation of the line tension (February 23-27).


Alessandro Giacomini (Universit di Brescia) : SBV approach to shape optimization problems with Robin boundary conditions (May 4-8).


Cyril Imbert (Universit Paris-Est, Crteil) : Homogenization results for some models of dislocation dynamics (March 9-13).


Giovanni Leoni (Carnegie Mellon University) : Continuum models for dislocations (May 11-15).


Alexander Mielke (WIAS and Humboldt-Universitt, Berlin) : Mathematical approaches to finite-strain elastoplasticity (March 16-20).


Marcello Ponsiglione (Sapienza - Universit di Roma) : Gamma-convergence analysis for dislocations and vortices within the core radius approach  (March 16-20).


Tomas Roubicek (Charles University) : Plasticity at small strains combined with damage (March 2-6).


Lucia Scardia (University of Bath) : Multiscale problems in dislocation theory (May 11-15).


Ulisse Stefanelli (Universitt Wien) : Gamma-convergence for rate-independent systems and linearization in finite plasticity (March 23-27).



The following contributed talks on related subjects were be given by the participants and by other visitors:


Marco Artina (March 20): A robust and efficient anisotropic mesh adaptation strategy to numerically simulate quasi-static crack propagation in brittle materials.


Jean-Franois Babadjian (April 15): Elasto-plasticity models in soil mechanics.


Mattia Bongini (March 19): Mean-field Pontryagin maximum principle.


Manuel Friedrich (March 24): A quantitative geometric rigidity result in SBD and the derivation of linearized models from nonlinear Griffith energies.


Gurgen (Greg) Hayrapetyan (March 4): Stability and Evolution of Bilayer Interfaces in Amphiphilic Systems.


Peter Hornung (April 23): Some remarks about intrinsically strained plates in nonlinear elasticity.


Flaviana Iurlano (May 13): An integral representation result in dimension 2 for functionals defined on SBDp.


Martin Jesenko (March 26): Closure and commutability results for Γ-limits.


Carolin Kreisbeck (May 14): Homogenization of layered materials with rigid components in single-slip finite plasticity.


Matthias Ruf (March 11): Interfacial energies on stochastic lattices.


Riccardo Scala (February 26): A closeness result for the class of deformations in the presence of dislocations.


Igor Velcic (May 5): Non-periodic homogenization and dimensional reduction in non-linear elasticity in small strain regimes on the example of bending rod.


Funds were available to support a limited number of early-career participants.






September 22-24. Workshop on Variational Modeling in Solid Mechanics organized by Roberto Paroni and Rodica Toader, also supported by the Universities of Sassari and Udine. The meeting took place at the University of Udine, Italy.




May 21-23. Workshop on Calculus of Variations and Optimization. A conference to celebrate the 60th birthday of Giuseppe Buttazzo,  organized by Lorenzo Brasco, Ariela Briani, Gianni Dal Maso, Luigi De Pascale, Ilaria Fragal, Filippo Santambrogio, Paola Trebeschi, also supported by: PRIN Calculus of Variations 2010, units of the University of Pisa, and of the SNS Pisa, University of Pisa, and INDAM. The meeting took place at the University of Pisa.






September 30-October 4. Workshop on Evolution Problems for Material Defects: Dislocations, Plasticity, and Fracture at SISSA, Trieste. This workshop was organized together with the PIRE Project Science at the Triple Point between Mathematics, Mechanics and Materials Science.


Survey Lectures

Lallit Anand (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Michael Falk (Johns Hopkins University)

Alexander Mielke  (WIAS and Humboldt-Universitt, Berlin)

Stefan Mller (Universitt Bonn)

David Kinderlehrer (Carnegie Mellon University)


Invited Talks

Amit Acharya (Carnegie Mellon University)

Irene Arias (Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Barcelona)  

Antonin Chambolle (cole Polytechnique, Palaiseau) 

Marco Cicalese (Technische Universitt Mnchen)

Sergio Conti (Universitt Bonn)  

Patrick Dondl (Durham University)

Gilles Francfort (Universit Paris-Nord) 

Adriana Garroni (Sapienza - Universit di Roma)  

Alessandro Giacomini (Universit di Brescia)

Christopher J. Larsen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)  

Giovanni Leoni (Carnegie Mellon University)

Stephan Luckhaus (Universitt Leipzig)     

Mitchell Luskin (University of Minnesota)   

Jean-Jacques Marigo (cole Polytechnique, Palaiseau)

Mark A. Peletier (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)   

Riccarda Rossi (Universit di Brescia)  

Peter Smereka (University of Michigan) 

Ulisse Stefanelli (IMATI-CNR, Pavia)

Ellad Tadmor (University of Minnesota)

Florian Theil (University of Warwick)   

Athanasios E. Tzavaras  (University of Crete)


Organizers: Antonio DeSimone, Gianni Dal Maso, Irene Fonseca, and Felix Otto.




June 24-26.  Workshop on Variational Views in Mechanics and Materials, Pavia, organized by Gianni Dal Maso, Maria Giovanna Mora, Matteo Negri, and Ulisse Stefanelli. This workshop was organized together with the ERC Grant Mathematics for Shape Memory Technologies in Biomechanics.


Invited Speakers:


Giovanni Alberti

Kaushik Bhattacharya

Elena Bonetti

Georg Dolzmann

Irene Fonseca

Gilles Francfort

Gero Friesecke

Giovanni Leoni

Alexander Mielke

Massimiliano Morini

Michael Ortiz

Marc A. Peletier

Marcello Ponsiglione

Bernd Schmidt

Florian Theil




March 4-April 26. An intensive period on Evolution Problems in Fracture Mechanics took place at SISSA, Trieste. The activities were organized around the following minicourses, with daily lectures.


Christopher J. Larsen, 4-8 March 2013:

Mathematical issues in globally minimizing, locally minimizing, and dynamic fracture evolutions



Monday, March 4, 15:00-17:00 (room 005)

Tuesday, March 5, 9:00-11:00 (room 005)

Wednesday, March 6, 17:00-19:00 (room 005)

Thursday, March 7, 16:00-18:00 (room 005)

Friday, March 8, 10:30-12:30  (room 005)


Notes of the course



Gianpietro Del Piero, 11-15 March 2013:

The variational approach to fracture and other inelastic phenomena



Monday, March 11, 15:00-17:00 (room 005)

Tuesday, March 12, 9:00-11:00 (room 005)

Wednesday, March 13, 11:00-13:00 (room 005)

Thursday, March 14, 15:00-17:00 (room 005)

Friday, March 15,  9:00-11:00 (room 133)



Gilles Francfort, 3-13 April 2013:

Variational evolution problems in plasticity



Monday, April 8, 15:00-17:00 (room 005)

Tuesday, April 9, 11:00-13:00 (room 005)

Wednesday, April 10, 9:00-11:00 (room 005)

Thursday, April 11, 9:00-11:00 (room 005)

Friday, April 12,  9:00-11:00 (room 005)



Jay R. Walton, 15-19 April 2013:

A theory of fracture incorporating interfacial mechanics



Monday, April 15, 15:00-17:00 (room 132)

Tuesday, April 16, 11:00-13:00 (room 132)

Wednesday, April 17, 9:00-11:00 (room 132)

Thursday, April 18, 9:00-11:00 (room 132)

Friday, April 19,  9:00-11:00 (room 132)



Jean-Jacques Marigo, 22-26 April 2013:

Gradient damage models and their use in fracture mechanics



Monday, April 22, 16:00-18:00 (room 134)

Tuesday, April 23, 9:00-11:00 (room 134)

Wednesday, April 24, 9:00-11:00 (room 134)

Wednesday, April 24, 16:00-18:00 (room 134)

Friday, April 26,  9:00-11:00 (room 134)



Talks on related subjects were given by the participants and by other visitors.


Funds were available to support a limited number of early-career participants.






September 19-21. Workshop on Evolution problems in damage, plasticity, and fracture: mathematical models and numerical analysis, organized by Dorothee Knees and Rodica Toader, supported by GNAMPA/INdAM, WIAS Berlin, and University of Udine. The workshop focused on quasistatic and dynamic fracture and damage evolution, modeling of plasticity coupled with other physical processes, analytical and numerical tools for nonlinear and nonsmooth systems of evolutionary PDEs or variational inequalities.


The meeting took place at the University of Udine, Italy.


June 6-8. Conference on Variational Problems with Multiple Scales. The conference is a joint initiative with the Research Project ``Variational Problems with Multiple Scales" 2008, supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research, and is partly funded by GNAMPA (INdAM).


The meeting took place at Otranto (40 km from Lecce) in the Hotel degli Haethey.