Boris Dubrovin Lecture Courses
Lecture Courses of Boris Dubrovin
EUCLID Montpellier Spring School
"Modern Problems in Theoretical Physics and Integrable Systems" (May
17-22, 2004),
"Topological Field Theories and Integrable
Fields Institute (November 8-12, 2004), Minicourse on Frobenius manifolds and Integrable
Notes of the course "Theory of functions of one complex variable" Pdf File (in Italian)
Notes of the course "Analytical Mechanics" Pdf File (in Italian)
Notes of the course "Topics in Analytic Theory of Differential Equations" (in
progress) Pdf File
Notes of the course "Integrable Systems and Riemann Surfaces" (in
progress) Pdf File
Notes of the course "Istituzioni di Fisica Matematica"
Notes of the course "Geometry in Euclidean space"
Notes of the course "Differential Geometry"
Integrable Systems and Geometry (introductory lecture 07/10/2009) for Mac, Linux