Notes on Integrable systems and the Toda lattice
Notes on Riemann surfaces
- 2017/2018 Level 3/4 Course Complex Function Theory
- 2017/2018 Ph.D. Course: Integrable systems and Riemann surfaces
- 2016/2017 Ph.D. Course: Integrable systems and Riemann surfaces
- 2015/2016 Ph.D. Course: Integrable systems and Rieamnn surfaces
- 2014/2015 Ph.D Course: Riemann surfaces
- 2014/2015 MSc Course Quantum Mechanics, Bristol University
- 2013/2014 MSc Course: Quantum Mechanics, Bristol University
- 2013/2014 Ph.D Course Integrable systems and the Toda lattice
- 2012/2013 Ph.D. Course: Random Matrices and Integrable Systems, 2 cycles
- 2011/2012 Ph.D. Course: Integrable systems: inverse scattering, 2 cycles
- 2010/2011 Master Course: Istituzioni di Fisica Matematica
- 2010/2011 Ph.D. Course: Riemann surfaces and theta-functions, 2 cycles