analyses of both
single neurons and, through decoding procedures, of
neurons, have been applied to recordings from the lab of Edmund Rolls
monkey visual cortex [6,7] and orbito-frontal
[4]), and seminal collaborations have been initiated with other labs,
that of Mathew Diamond [3,8].
work has focused
on the short time limit [3], that allows the accurate
quantification of
the effects of decoding [9,17] and of correlations among simultaneously
recorded cells [10]; interactions among different neurons have also
been analyzed
in terms of firing coincidences (VdP
with Laura Martignon). We have then
how the information about a set of discrete stimuli depends on the size
of the
neuronal population, both in the short time limit for correlated units
[16] and
over finite times with uncorrelated units [12], leading to a validation
of the
simple Gawne & Richmond model
(reviewed in [11]: the
figure to the left shows how the ceiling alone captures most of the
when a population of IT units has to discriminate between 4, 9 or 20
stimuli). Stimulated by a collaboration with Eilon
Vaadia, we have explored the coding of more
stimuli, with both a discrete and a continuous dimension, at the level
theoretical modelling [13,15]
and in real neurons recorded from the motor cortex of monkeys
bimanual movements [14]. Recently we have extended decoding procedures
to deal with
the contribution of correlations [18,19].
The most recent developments are in connection with the hippocampal recordings in the lab of May-Britt and Edvard Moser, which required information measures obtained without explicit reference to the salient correlate, the position of the rat in the environment. We developed measures based on the distribution of population vectors, obtained from the spike counts over short time bins by simultaneously recorded units [20]. Such measures can be used to assess information content about spatial position, spatial context, etc.
Work in progress applies simplified network models and replica techniques [12, 15] to estimate measures of information content in newly stored spatial representations (EC, AT).