Affiliation, CV and Tasks

Current position:
- 2018 – present
- Full Professor in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (MAT/08, 01/A5) at SISSA mathLab, Mathematics Area, SISSA – International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy.
Lecturer in the PhD program in Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications (SISSA), Master in High Performance Computing (SISSA-ICTP), Master in Mathematics (with University of Trieste) and Master in Data Science and Scientific Computing (SISSA with University of Trieste and Udine).
Other duties:
- Mathematics Area Coordinator at SISSA (2020-present)
- SISSA mathLab group coordinator (2018-present)
- Coordinator of PhD programme in “Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications” at SISSA (2018-2020)
- SISSA Director’s Delegate for Valorisation of Knowledge, Innovation, Technology Transfer and Industrial Cooperation (2016-present)
- SISSA Direction: member of the Web Commission (2014-), member of the High Performance Computing Advisory Board (2014-), member of the Open Access Committee of SISSA Library (2016-).
- Delegate of SISSA director in the Scientific Committee of ARPA-FVG (Friuli Venezia Giulia regional agency for environment protection , 2016-).
- Member of MareFVG Scientific Director (2021-present).
- Member of MareFVG Technical Committee (2018-2021).
- Member of the Management Committee of SMACT Scpa (Competence Center Industry 4.0 for North East of Italy) (2019-2022).
- Faculty Advisor of the SISSA SIAM Student Chapter, September 2015-
- CVS Computing and Visualization in Science, Associate Editor, Responsible of Model Reduction Issues (2016-2021)
- SIAM SINUM, Journal on Numerical Analysis, Associate Editor (2016-2021)
- SIAM/ASA JUQ, Journal of Uncertainty Quantification, Associate Editor, 2013-2019
- Associate Editor of RIMU- Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste, 2018-present
- Associate Editor of Mathematics in Engineering, 2019-present
- MoRePaS chairman, 2015-2018 (past chairmen: Prof. Mario Ohlberger (2009-2012), Prof. Karsten Urban (2012-2015)) [more info]
- COST EU-MORNET, Cooperation in Science and Technology, European Union Model Reduction Network, Management Committee Member for Italy and Chairman of WG1, 2014-
- PI PoC ARGOS 2022-2023
- PI of ERC AROMA-CFD 2016-2021
- PI of MIUR FARE-X-AROMA 2017-2021
- Member of the Applied Mathematics committee of European Mathematical Society 2018-2021
- Member of the Trieste Encounters on Science and Innovation (TESI) Science to Policy Committee. ESOF, European Science Open Forum Trieste European Capital of Science 2020
- Coordinator of MIT FVG project, 2017- present
- Editor in chief di MCA Mathematics and Computational Application
- Associate Editor ACOM
- Associate Editor IJCFD
- Area Editor “Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models: Theory and Modern Applications”
- NetVal Scientific Committee, 2020-present
- Technical Scientific Committee of CUOA Vicenza
Previous positions:
2014 – 2017: Associate Tenured Professor in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (MAT/08, 01/A5) at SISSA mathLab, Mathematics Area, SISSA – International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy. Lecturer in the PhD program in Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications (SISSA), Master in High Performance Computing (SISSA-ICTP), Master in Mathematics and Master in Data Science and Scientific Computing (University of Trieste).
2012 – 2014: SISSA Research Excellence Grant for independent research NOFYSAS (New Opportunities For Young Scientists at SISSA: “Computational and geometrical reduction strategies for the simulation, control and optimization of complex systems”). SISSA mathLab, Mathematics Area, SISSA – International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy. Lecturer in the PhD program in Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications.
2008 – 2012: Researcher and Lecturer (and external scientific collaborator 2012- 2015). Chair of Modelling and Scientific Computing, EPFL – École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. Lecturer in the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Mechanics and at Section of Mathematics.
2006 – 2008: Post Doctoral Associate Researcher (and Research Affiliate 2008 – 2014). MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston MA, USA, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Center for Computational Engineering, Prof. A.T. Patera.
2002 – 2006: Research Assistant. Chair of Modelling and Scientific Computing, EPFL – École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, Prof. A. Quarteroni.
- 2005
- PhD in Applied Mathematics. Chair of Modelling and Scientific Computing, EPFL – École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland (avec mention) [Phd Thesis].
- 2002
- Master of Science (Laurea Magistrale) in Aerospace Engineering, Aerodynamics at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, cum laude [Master Thesis].
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