Andrea Dal Corso's lectures

Electronic structure and quantum simulation of materials II (SISSA 2025)

44. Final exam: [exercise1, exercise2, exercise3, exercise4, exercise5, exercise6, exercise7, exercise8]

Scalar and fully relativistic pseudopotential theory (SISSA 2024)

43. Final exam: [exercise1, exercise2, exercise3, exercise4].

Electronic structure (SISSA 2023/24)

42. Final exam: [exercise1, exercise2, exercise3, exercise4].

Electronic structure (SISSA 2022/23)

41. Density functional perturbation theory for lattice dynamics. [pdf]
40. Phonon interpolation and vibrational thermodynamic quantities. [pdf]
39. Density functional perturbation theory for electric fields. [pdf]
38. Final exam: [exercise1, exercise2].

Pseudopotential theory (SISSA, online course 2022)

37. Final exam: [exercise1.pdf, exercise2.pdf].
36. Laboratory on pseudopotential generation: [pseudo_gen.tgz].

Electronic structure (SISSA 2021/22)

35. Final exam: [exercise1, exercise2].

Introduction to group theory for molecules and solids (SISSA, online course 2021)

34. Final exam: [pdf].

Pseudopotential theory (SISSA, online course 2021)

33. Laboratory: [lab1].

Electronic structure (SISSA, online course 2020/21)

32. Final exam: [exercise1, exercise2].

Pseudopotential theory (SISSA, online course 2020)

31. Final exam: [exercise1].

Trento 2020 (online course)

30. Final exams: [exercise1, exercise2, exercise3, exercise4, exercise5, exercise6, exercise7, exercise8, exercise9].
29. Computer exercise: Cohen and Bergstresser empirical pseudopotentials band structures. [tgz].
28. Computer exercise: Band structure of free electrons. Exercise [tgz].

Advanced Electronic Structure (SISSA March 2019)

27. Density functional perturbation theory for electric fields. [pdf]
Most updated version Electronic Structure SISSA (2022/23).

Electronic Structure (SISSA December 2017)

26. Computer exercise: Introduction to self-consistent DFT calculations for solids. [tgz]

CECAM Summer School Trieste 2017

25. Computer exercise: Cohen and Bergstresser empirical pseudopotentials band structures. [tgz]
24. Computer exercise: Free electrons band structures. [tgz]

Trieste 2017

23. Density functional perturbation theory for lattice dynamics. [pdf]
Most updated version Electronic Structure SISSA (2022/23).

22. Phonon interpolation and vibrational thermodynamic properties. [pdf]
Most updated version Electronic Structure SISSA (2022/23).

21. Computer exercise: Phonon dispersions of silicon and vibrational thermodynamic properties. [tgz]

Trieste 2016

20. Density functional perturbation theory for lattice dynamics with ultrasoft PPs and PAW. [pdf]

Trento 2013

19. Final exams: [exercise1, exercise2, exercise3, exercise4].

18. Computer exercise: Charge density of Si and GaAs with empirical pseudopotentials. Exercise [tgz].

17. Computer exercise: Free electrons density of states (1D, 2D, and 3D). Exercise [tgz].

16. Computer exercise: Band structure of Si and GaAs with empirical pseudopotentials. Exercise [tgz].
Most updated version (Trento 2020).

15. Computer exercise: Band structure of free electrons. Exercise [tgz].
Most updated version (Trento 2020).

Electronic structure (SISSA 2012)

14. Computer exercise: Silicon ionization potentials. Exercise [tgz].

Trieste 2011

13. Introduction to ab-initio lattice dynamics and vibrational thermodynamics. Slides [pdf].
Most updated version Electronic struture course SISSA (2022/23).

12. Computer exercise: The α - β phase transition in tin. Exercise [tgz].

11. Modern pseudopotentials: an introduction. Slides [pdf].

Trento 2011

10. Homeworks [exercise_1, exercise_2, exercise_3, exercise_4].

Trieste 2010

9. Computer exercise: Density functional perturbation theory for lattice dynamics. Slides [pdf]. Exercise (original [tgz], simplified compilation [tgz]).

Cork 2010

8. Density functional perturbation theory for lattice dynamics. Slides [pdf]. Exercise [tgz].
Most updated version Electronic Structure SISSA (2022/23).
7. The PWcond.x code: complex bands, transmission and ballistic conductance. Slides [pdf]. Exercise [tgz].

Santa Barbara 2009

6. Density functional perturbation theory II: phonon dispersions. Slides [pdf].
Most updated version Electronic Structure SISSA (2022/23).

5. Introduction to noncollinear magnetism and spin-orbit coupling in Quantum ESPRESSO. Slides [pdf]. Exercise [tgz].

4. Pseudopotential generation and test by the ld1.x atomic code: an introduction. Slides [pdf]. Exercise [tgz].

Electronic structure (SISSA 2009)

3. Pseudopotential generation. Exercise [tgz].

2. The atomic code ld1.x. Exercise [tgz].

Shanghai 2008

1. Introduction to density functional perturbation theory for lattice dynamics. Slides [pdf]. Exercise [tgz].
Most updated version Electronic Structure SISSA (2022/23).

For information please contact
dalcorso .at.