Publications are listed in reverse cronological order. Electronic
versions of the reprints are available upon request (please write to
michelet _at_
A. Suma and C. Micheletti Unzipping of knotted DNA via nanopore translocation QRB Discovery6 e4 (2025) Abstract Link to online article
M. DelloStritto, C. Micheletti and M.L. Klein Molecular Dynamics studies of knotted polymers J. Chem. Phys161 244904 (2024) Abstract Link to online article
V. Panizza, P. Hauke, C. Micheletti and P. Faccioli Protein Design by Integrating Machine Learning and Quantum-encoded Optimization PRX Life2 043012 (2024) Abstract Link to online article
J. Luengo-Marquez, S. Assenza, and C. Micheletti Shape and size tunability of sheets of interlocked ring copolymers Soft Matter20 6595-6607 (2024) Abstract Link to online article
L. Tubiana et al. Topology in Soft and Biological Matter Physics Reports1075 1-137 (2024) Abstract Link to online article Review Article
M. Caraglio, C. Micheletti and E. Orlandini Unraveling the Influence of Topology and Spatial Confinement on Equilibrium and Relaxation Properties of Interlocked Ring Polymers Macromolecules57 3223-3233 (2024) Abstract Link to online article
A. Tagliabue, C. Micheletti and M. Mella Effect of Counterion Size on Knotted Polyelectrolyte Conformations J. Phys. Chem. B128 4183-4194(2024) Abstract Link to online article
C. Micheletti, I. Chubak, E. Orlandini and J. Smrek Topology-Based Detection and Tracking of Deadlocks Reveal Aging of Active Ring Melts ACS Macro Lett. 13 124-129 (2024) Abstract Link to online article
F. Slongo, P. Hauke, P. Faccioli and C. Micheletti Quantum-inspired encoding enhances stochastic sampling of soft matter systems Science Adv. 9 art. no. eadi0204 (2023) Abstract, Link to online article
Z. Ahmadian Dehaghani, P. Chiarantoni and C. Micheletti Topological Entanglement of Linear Catenanes: Knots and Threadings ACS Macro Lett., 12, 1231-1236 (2023) Abstract, Link to online article
G. Lazzeri, C. Micheletti, S. Pasquali and P. Faccioli RNA folding pathways from all-atom simulations with a variationally improved history-dependent bias Biophys. J., 122, 3089-3098 (2023) Abstract, Link to online article
P. Chiarantoni and C. Micheletti Linear catenanes in channel confinement Macromolecules, 56, 2736 (2023) Abstract, Link to online article
V. Sorichetti, A. Ninarello, J.M. Ruiz Franco, V. Hugouvieux, E. Zaccarelli, C. Micheletti, W. Kob and L. Rovigatti Structure and elasticity of model disordered, polydisperse and defect-free polymer networks J. Chem. Phys, 158, 074905 (2023) Abstract, Link to online article Cover article
A. Suma, V. Carnevale and C. Micheletti Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of DNA nanopore unzipping Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, 048101 (2023) Abstract, Link to online article
S.-J. Chen et al. Opinion: Protein folds vs. protein folding: Differing questions, different challenges Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 120, e2214423119 (2023) Abstract, Link to online article Opinion Article
A. Tagliabue, C. Micheletti and M. Mella Tuning Knotted Copolyelectrolyte Conformations via Solution Properties Macromolecules, 55, 10761-10772 (2022) Abstract, Link to online article
M. Becchi, R. Capelli, C. Perego, G.M. Pavan and C. Micheletti Density-tunable pathway complexity in a minimalistic self-assembly model Soft Matter, 18, 8106-8116 (2022) Abstract, Link to online article
P. Chiarantoni and C. Micheletti Effect of ring rigidity on the statics and dynamics of linear catenanes Macromolecules, 55, 4523-4532 (2022) Abstract, Link to online article
G. Amici, M. Caraglio, E. Orlandini and C. Micheletti Topological Friction and Relaxation Dynamics of Spatially Confined Catenated Polymers ACS Macro Lett., 11, 1-6 (2022) Abstract, Link to online article
E. Orlandini and C. Micheletti Topological and Physical Links in Soft Matter Systems J. Phys. Condensed Matter, 34, 013002 (2022) Abstract, Link to online article Review Article
A. Tagliabue, C. Micheletti and M. Mella Tunable knot segregation in co-polyelectrolyte rings carrying a neutral segment ACS Macro Letters, 10, 1365-1370 (2021) Abstract, Link to online article
Hewafonsekage Y.Y. Fonseka, A. Javidi, L.F.L. Oliveira, C. Micheletti, and G. Stan Unfolding and Translocation of Knotted Proteins by Clp Biological Nanomachines: Synergistic Contribution of Primary Sequence and Topology Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations J. Phys. Chem. B, 125, 7335-7350 (2021) Abstract, Link to online articleCover article
S. Franzini, M. Di Stefano and C. Micheletti essHi-C: essential component analysis of Hi-C matrices Bioinformatics, 37, 2088-2094 (2021) Abstract, Link to online article
M. Becchi, P. Chiarantoni and C. Micheletti RNA Pore Translocation with Static and Periodic Forces: Effect of Secondary and Tertiary Elements on Process Activation and Duration J. Phys. Chem. B, 125, 1098-1196 (2021) Abstract, Link to online article
A. Suma, L. Coronel, G. Bussi and C. Micheletti Directional translocation resistance of Zika xrRNA Nature Communications, 11, art no. 3749 (2020) Abstract, Link to online article
D. Michieletto, E. Orlandini, M.S. Turner and C. Micheletti Separation of Geometrical and Topological entanglement in Confined polymers Driven out of Equilibrium ACS Macro Letters, 9, 1081-1085 (2020) Abstract, Link to online article
D. Agostinelli, R. Cerbino, J.C. Del Alamo, A. De Simone, S. Hohn, C. Micheletti, G. Noselli, E. Sharon and J. Yeomans MicroMotility: State of the art, recent accomplishments and perspectives on the mathematical modeling of bio-motility at microscopic scales Mathematics in Engineering, 2, 230-252 (2020) Abstract, Link to online article
A. Rosa, M. Di Stefano and C. Micheletti Topological Constraints in Eukaryotic Genomes and How They Can Be Exploited to Improve Spatial Models of Chromosomes Front. Mol. Biosci., 6, 127 (2019) Abstract, Link to online article Opinion article
A. Suma, E. Poppleton, M. Matthies, P. Sulc, F. Romano, A.A. Louis, J.P.K. Doye, C. Micheletti and L. Rovigatti TacoxDNA: A user-friendly web server for simulations of complex DNA structures, from single strands to origami J. Comput. Chem., 40, 2586-2595 (2019)
Abstract, Link to online article Cover article Link to cover
A. Valdes, L. Coronel, B. Martinez-Garcia, J. Segura, S. Dyson, O. Diaz-Ingelmo, C. Micheletti and J. Roca Transcriptional supercoiling boosts topoisomerase II-mediated knotting of intracellular DNA Nucleic Acids Res., 47, 6946-6955 (2019) Abstract, Link to online article
L. Weiss, M. Marenda, C. Micheletti and C. Likos Hydrodynamics and Filtering of Knotted Ring Polymers in Nanochannels Macromolecules, 52 , p. 4111-4119 (2019) Abstract, Link to online article
G. Amici, M. Caraglio, E. Orlandini and C. Micheletti Topologically Linked Chains in Confinement ACS Macro Lett., 8 , 442-446 (2019) Abstract, Link to online article
E. Uehara, L. Coronel, C. Micheletti and T. Deguchi Bimodality in the knotting probability of semiflexible rings suggested by mapping with self-avoiding polygons Reactive and Functional Polymers, 134, 141-149 (2019) Abstract, Link to online article
L. Coronel, A. Suma and C. Micheletti Dynamics of supercoiled DNA with complex knots: large-scale rearrangements and persistent multi-strand interlocking Nucleic Acids Res., 46, 7533 (2018) Abstract, Link to online article Cover article for NAR issue of Sept. 6, 2018
A. Suma, M. Di Stefano and C. Micheletti Electric-field-driven trapping of polyelectrolytes in needle-like backfolded states Macromolecules, 51, 4462-4470 (2018) Abstract, Link to online article
L. Tubiana, G. Polles, E. Orlandini and C. Micheletti KymoKnot: a web-server and software package to identify and locate knots in trajectories of linear or circular polymers Eur. Phys. J., 41, 72 (2018) Abstract, Link to online article Link to Kymoknot webserverCover article for EPJ E issue of June 6, 2018
A.L. Bozic, C. Micheletti, R. Podgornik and L. Tubiana Compactness of viral genomes: effect of disperse and localized random mutations J. Phys. Condensed Matter, 30, 084006 (2018)
Abstract, Link to online article
M. Adorisio, A. Pezzotta, C. de Mulatier, C. Micheletti and A. Celani Exact and Efficient Sampling of Conditioned Walks J. Stat. Phys, 170 79-100 (2018) Abstract, Link to online article
D. Granata, L. Ponzoni, C. Micheletti and V. Carnevale Patterns of coevolving amino acids unveil structural and dynamical domains Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114, E10612-E10621 (2017) Abstract, Link to online article
M. Caraglio, C. Micheletti and E. Orlandini Mechanical pulling of linked ring polymers: elastic response and link localisation Polymers, 9, 327 (2017) Abstract, Link to online article
C. Micheletti and H. Orland Efficient Sampling of Knotting-Unknotting Pathways for Semiflexible Gaussian Chains Polymers, 9, art. no. 196 (2017) Abstract, Link to online article
L. Coronel, E. Orlandini and C. Micheletti Non-monotonic knotting probability and knot length of semiflexible rings: the competing roles of entropy and bending energy Soft Matter, 13, 4260-4267 (2017) Abstract, Link to online article
M. Caraglio, C. Micheletti and E. Orlandini Physical links: defining and detecting inter-chain entanglement Scientific Reports, 7, art. no. 1156 (2017) Abstract, Link to online article
A. Suma and C. Micheletti Pore translocation of knotted DNA rings Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114, E2991-E2997 (2017) Abstract, Link to online article
E. Orlandini, G. Polles, D. Marenduzzo and C. Micheletti Self-assembly of knots and links J. Stat. , art no. 034003 (2017) Abstract, Link to online article
A. Japaridze, E. Orlandini, K. Smith, L. Gmuer, F. Valle, C. Micheletti and G. Dietler Spatial confinement induces hairpins in nicked circular DNA Nucl. Acids Res., 45, 4905-4914 (2017) Abstract, Link to online
L. Ponzoni, G. Rossetti, L. Maggi, A. Giorgetti, P. Carloni and C. Micheletti Unifying view of mechanical and functional hotspots across class A GPCRs Plos. Comput. Biol., 13, art no. e1005381 (2017) Abstract, Link to online
G. D'Adamo, E. Orlandini and C. Micheletti Linking of ring polymers in slit-like confinement Macromolecules, 50, 1713-1718 (2017) Abstract, Link to online
M. Marenda, E. Orlandini and C. Micheletti Sorting ring polymers by knot type with modulated nanochannels Soft Matter, 13 , 795 (2017) Abstract, Link to online
S.E. Jackson, A. Suma and C. Micheletti How to fold intricately: using theory and experiments to unravel the properties of knotted proteins Curr. Op. Struct. Biol., 42, 6-14 (2017) Abstract, Link to online
G. Polles, E. Orlandini and C. Micheletti Optimal Self-Assembly of Linked Constructs and Catenanes via Spatial Confinement ACS Macro Letters, 2016, 5 , 931-935 Abstract, Link to online
A.S. Burton, M. Di Stefano, N. Lehman, H. Orland and C. Micheletti The elusive quest for RNA knots RNA Biology, 2016, 13 , 134-139 Abstract,
Link to online article (Open Access)Point of View article
A. Suma, A. Rosa and C. Micheletti Pore translocation of knotted polymer chains: how friction
depends on knot complexity ACS Macro Letters, 2015, 4 , 1420-1424 Abstract, Link to online
M. Caraglio, C. Micheletti and E. Orlandini Stretching response of knotted and unknotted chains Phys. Rev. Lett., 2015, 115 , 188301 Abstract, Link to online article
G. D'Adamo and C. Micheletti Molecular crowding increases knots abundance in linear polymers Macromolecules, 2015, 48 , 6337 Abstract, Link to online article
G. Pinamonti, S. Bottaro, C. Micheletti and G. Bussi Elastic network models for RNA: a comparative assessment with molecular dynamics and SHAPE experiments Nucl. Acids Res., 2015, 43 , 7260-7269 Abstract, Link to online article
L. Ponzoni, G. Polles, V. Carnevale and C. Micheletti SPECTRUS: a dimensionality reduction approach for identifying dynamical domains in protein complexes from limited structural datasets Structure, 2015, 23 , 1516-1525 Abstract, Link to online article Cover article for the August 2015 issue of STRUCTURE
G. D'Adamo, D. Marenduzzo, C. Micheletti, and E. Orlandini Electric field controlled columnar and planar patterning of cholesteric colloids Phys. Rev. Lett., 2015, 114 , art. no. 177801 Abstract, Link to online article Cover article for the May 1 2015 issue of Phys Rev Lett.
A. Suma, E. Orlandini and C. Micheletti Knotting dynamics of DNA chains of different length confined in nanochannels J. Phys. Condensed Matter, 2015, 27 , art no. 354102 Abstract, Link to online article
L. Tubiana, A.L. Bozic, C. Micheletti and R. Podgornik Synonymous mutations reduce genome compactness in icosahedral ssRNA viruses Biophysical Journal, 2015, 108 , 194-202 Abstract, Link to online article Cover article for the January 6 2015 issue of Biophysical Journal.
F. Musiani, G. Rossetti, L. Capece, T. Gerger, C. Micheletti, G. Varani and P. Carloni MD simulations identify time scale of conformational changes responsible for conformational selection in molecular recognition of HIV-1 TAR RNA J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136 , 15631-15637 Abstract, Link to online article
C. Micheletti and E. Orlandini Knotting and unknotting dynamics of DNA strands in nanochannels ACS Macro Letters, 2014, 3 , 876-880 Abstract, Link to online article
M. Di Stefano, L. Tubiana, M. Di Ventra and C. Micheletti Driving knots on DNA with AC/DC electric fields: topological friction and memory effects Soft Matter, 2014, 10 , 6491-6498 Abstract, Link to online article
R. Covino, T. Skrbic, S. a Beccara, P. Faccioli and C. Micheletti The role of non-native interactions in the folding of knotted proteins: insights from molecular dynamics simulations Biomolecules, 2014, 4 , 1-19 Abstract, Link to online article
D. Marenduzzo, C. Micheletti, E. Orlandini and D.W. Sumners Topological friction strongly affects viral DNA ejection Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2013, 110 20081-20086- Abstract, Link to online article
G. Polles, G. Indelicato, R. Potestio, P. Cermelli, R. Twarock, C. Micheletti Mechanical and assembly units of viral capsids identified via quasi-rigid domain decomposition PLoS Comput. Biol., 2013, 9, e1003331 Abstract,
Link to online article Cover article for the November 2013 issue of PLoS Comput. Biol.
F. Musiani, E. Ippoliti, C. Micheletti, P. Carloni and S. Ciurli Conformational fluctuations of UreG, an intrinsically disordered enzyme Biochemistry., 2013, 52 2949 - 2954 Abstract, Link to online article
L. Tubiana, A. Rosa, F. Fragiacomo and C. Micheletti Spontaneous knotting and unknotting of flexible linear polymers: equilibrium and kinetic aspects Macromol., 2013, 46 3669-3678 Abstract,
Link to online article Cover article for issue n. 11/2013 of the journal
D. Marenduzzo, C. Micheletti and E. Orlandini The knotted strands of life Physics World, April 2013, p. 30-34, Link to online article Feature article
M. Di Stefano, A. Rosa, V. Belcastro, D. di Bernardo, C. Micheletti Colocalization of coregulated genes: a steered molecular dynamics study of human chromosome 19 PLoS Comput. Biol., 2013, 9, e1003019 Link to online article Cover article for the March 2013 issue of PLoS Comput. Biol.
S. a Beccara, T. Skrbic, R. Covino, C. Micheletti, P. Faccioli Folding Pathways of a Knotted Protein with a Realistic Atomistic Force Field PLoS Comput. Biol., 2013, 9 , e1003002 Link to online article ,
C. Micheletti Comparing proteins by their internal dynamics: Exploring structure-function relationships beyond static structural alignments Physics of Life Reviews, 2013, 10 , 1-26 Abstract,
Link to online article Review Article followed by 6 commentaries by: P.K. Agarwal, P.C. Biggins, J. Echave, R.L. Jernigan, A.M. Lesk, M. Orozco
A. Rosa, M. Di Ventra and C. Micheletti Topological jamming of spontaneously knotted polyelectrolyte chains driven through a nanopore Phys. Rev. Lett, 2012, 109 , 118301 Abstract,
Link to online article
T. Skrbic, C. Micheletti and P. Faccioli The Role of Non-native Interactions in the Folding of Knotted Proteins Plos. Comput. Biol., 2012, 8 , e1002504 Abstract,
Link to online article
G. Morra, R. Potestio, C. Micheletti and G. Colombo Corresponding Functional Dynamics across the Hsp90 Chaperone Family: Insights from a Multiscale Analysis of MD Simulations Plos. Comput. Biol., 2012 8 e1002433 Abstract,
Link to online article
C. Micheletti and E. Orlandini Numerical study of linear and circular model DNA chains confined in a slit: metric and topological properties Macromolecules, 2012, 45 , 2113-2121 Abstract,
Link to arXiv preprint ,
Link to online article
A. Bosco, F. Bano, P. Parisse, L. Casalis, A. DeSimone and C. Micheletti Hybridization in Nanostructured DNA Monolayers Probed by AFM: Theory Versus Experiment Nanoscale, 2012, 4 , 1734-1741 Abstract,
Link to online article
A. Rosa, E. Orlandini, L. Tubiana and C. Micheletti Structure and dynamics of ring polymers: entanglement effects because of solution density and ring topology Macromolecules, 2011, 44 , 8668-8680 Abstract,
Link to arXiv preprint ,
Link to online article
F. Benedetti, C. Micheletti, G. Bussi, S. K. Sekatskii and G. Dietler Non-kinetic modeling of the mechanical unfolding of multimodular proteins: theory and
experiments Biophys. J., 2011, 101, p. 1504-1512 Abstract,
Link to online article
L. Tubiana, E. Orlandini and C. Micheletti Probing the entanglement and locating knots in ring polymers: a comparative study of different arc closure schemes Prog. Theor. Phys., 2011, 191 , 192-204 Abstract ,
Link to online article ,
Link to arXiv preprint
C. Micheletti, D. Marenduzzo and E. Orlandini Polymers with spatial or topological constraints: theoretical and computational results Physics Reports, 2011, 504 , p. 1-73 Abstract,
Link to arXiv preprint ,
Link to online article Topical Review
F. Musiani, B. Bertosa, A. Magistrato, B. Zambelli, P. Turano, V. Losasso, C. Micheletti, S. Ciurli and P. Carloni Computational Study of the DNA-Binding Protein Helicobacter pylori NikR: The Role of Ni2+
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2010, 6, 3503-3515 Abstract,
Link to online article
V. Carnevale, C. Micheletti, F. Pontiggia and R. Potestio Bridging the Atomic and Coarse-Grained descriptions of Collective Motions in Proteins Chapter 7 (pages 159-178) in book: Multiscale Approaches to Protein Modeling, Springer Verlag, 2010, ISBN-10: 1441968881 Abstract ,
A. Zen, C. Micheletti, O. Keskin and R. Nussinov Comparing interfacial dynamics in protein-protein complexes: an elastic network approach BMC Struct. Biol., 2010, 10:26 doi:10.1186/1472-6807-10-26 Abstract ,
Link to online article Highly accessed
R. Potestio, C. Micheletti and H. Orland Knotted vs. Unknotted Proteins: Evidence of Knot-Promoting Loops PlOS Comput. Biol., 2010; 6: e1000864. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000864 Abstract ,
Link to online article ,
D. Marenduzzo, C. Micheletti and E. Orlandini Biopolymer organization upon confinement J. Phys. Condens. Matter 22, 283102 (2010) Abstract ,
Link to online article Topical Review
R. Potestio, T. Aleksiev, F. Pontiggia, S. Cozzini and C. Micheletti ALADYN: a web server for aligning proteins by matching their large-scale motion Nucl. Acids Res., 2010; doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq293 Abstract ,
Link to online article
T. Aleksiev, R. Potestio, S. Cozzini and C. Micheletti PiSQRD: a web server for decomposing proteins into quasi-rigid dynamical domains Bioinformatics 25, 2743-2744 (2009) Abstract ,
Link to online article ,
Link to PiSQRD Server.
A. Zen, C. de Chiara, A. Pastore and C. Micheletti Using dynamics-based comparisons to predict nucleic acid binding sites in proteins: an application to OB-fold domains Bioinformatics 25, 1876-1883 (2009) Abstract , Link to online article.
R. Potestio, F. Pontiggia, and C. Micheletti Coarse-Grained Description of Protein Internal Dynamics: An Optimal Strategy for Decomposing Proteins in Rigid Subunits Biophys J. 96 4993-5002 (2009) Abstract ,
Link to online article.
C. Micheletti, D. Marenduzzo, E. Orlandini and D.W. Sumners Knot spectrum of confined self-avoiding walks In Proceedings of the conference: Knots and soft-matter physics. Bussei-Kenkyu (Kyoto) 38-42 (2009) Abstract
V. Carnevale, S. Raugei, M. neri, S. Pantano, C. Micheletti and P. Carloni Multi-scale modeling of HIV-1 proteins Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 89897-105 (2009) Abstract ,
Link to online article.
F. Pontiggia, A. Zen and C. Micheletti Small and large scale conformational changes of adenylate
kinase: a molecular dynamics study of the subdomain motion and
mechanics Biophys J. 95 5901 (2008) Abstract ,
Link to online article.
C. Micheletti, D. Marenduzzo, E. Orlandini and D.W. Sumners Simulations of knotting in confined circular DNA Biophys. J. 95 3591 (2008) Abstract ,
Link to online article.
A. Zen, V. Carnevale, A.M. Lesk and C. Micheletti Correspondences between low-energy modes in enzymes: Dynamics-based
alignment of enzymatic functional families Prot. Sci. 17 918-929 (2008) Abstract ,
Link to online article.
F. Capozzi, C. Luchinat, C. Micheletti and F. Pontiggia Essential dynamics of helices provide a functional classification of EF-hand proteins J. Proteome Res. 6 4245-4255 (2007) Abstract ,
Link to online article.
V. Carnevale, S. Raugei, C. Micheletti and P. Carloni Large-scale motions and electrostatic properties of Furin and HIV-1 protease J. Phys. Chem A 111 12327-12332 (2007) Abstract ,
Link to online article.
V. Carnevale, F. Pontiggia and C. Micheletti Structural and dynamical alignment of enzymes with partial structural similarity J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 19 285206 (2007) Abstract ,
Link to online article.
N.M. Toan, D. Marenduzzo, P.R. Cook and C. Micheletti Depletion effects and loop formation in self-avoiding polymers Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, art. No. 178302 (2006) Abstract ,
Link to online article.
V. Carnevale, S. Raugei, C. Micheletti and P. Carloni Convergent dynamics in the protease enzymatic superfamily J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 9766-9772 (2006) Abstract ,
Link to online article.
T. Keef, C. Micheletti and R. Twarock Master equation approach to the asembly of viral capsids J. Theor. Biol. 242, 713-721 (2006)
Abstract ,
Link to online article.
D. Marenduzzo, C. Micheletti and P.R. Cook Entropy-driven genome organization Biophys. J. 90 3712-3721 (2006)
Abstract ,
Link to online article.
P. Raiteri, A. Laio, F.L. Gervasio, C. Micheletti and M. Parrinello Efficient Reconstruction of Complex Free Energy Landscapes by Multiple Walkers
Metadynamics J. Phys. Chem. B 110 3533-3539 (2006)
Abstract ,
Link to online article.
N.M. Toan and C. Micheletti Inferring the effective thickness of polyelectrolytes from stretching measurements at various ionic strengths: applications to DNA and RNA J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 S269-S281 (2006)
Abstract ,
Preprint full text (cond-mat archive) ,
Link to online article.
G. Colombo and C. Micheletti Protein folding simulations: combining coarse-grained models
and all-atom molecular dynamics Theor. Chem. Acc.116 75-86 (2006)
Abstract ,
Link to online article.
M. Cascella, C. Micheletti, U. Rothlisberger and P. Carloni Evolutionarily Conserved Functional Mechanics across Pepsin-like
and Retroviral Aspartic Proteases fluctuations on enzymatic
activity J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 3734-3742 (2005)
Abstract ,
Link to online article.
I. Ali, D. Marenduzzo, C. Micheletti and J.M. Yeomans
A coarse grained model for DNA and polymer packaging: statics and dynamics J. Theor. Med. 6 115-117 (2005).
Abstract ,
Link to online article.
G.M.S. De Mori, C. Micheletti and G. Colombo All-Atom Folding
Simulations of the Villin Headpiece from Stochastically Selected
Coarse-Grained Structures J. Phys. Chem. B 108 12267-12270 (2004).
Abstract ,
Link to online article.
C. Micheletti Prediction of folding rates and transition-state placement from native-state geometry
Proteins, 51, 74-84 (2003).
Abstract ,
Link to online article.
J.R. Banavar, A. Maritan, C. Micheletti and A. Trovato Geometry and physics of proteins Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, 47,315-322
Abstract ,
Link to online article.
G. Settanni, T.X. Hoang, C. Micheletti and A. Maritan Folding pathways of prion and doppel Biophysical Journal, 83,3533-3541
Abstract ,
Link to online article
C. Micheletti, F. Seno, A. Maritan and J. R. Banavar,
Strategies for protein folding and design. Ann. Comb. 3, 431-450 (1999).
Abstract ,
Link to online article.
J.P. Goff, R.S. Sarthour, C. Micheletti, S. Langringe,
C. J. T. Wilkins, R. C. C. Ward and M. R. Wells.,
Surface magnetic phase transitions in Dy/Lu superlattices J. Magnetism and magnetic materials, 199, 309-311
Link to online article.
C. Micheletti and J. M. Yeomans,
Exact Solution for the
Adsorption transition of Row-Convex Polygons in the limit of zero
Area-Fugacity Europhys. Lett25, 1-4 (1994).
Link to online article.
C. Micheletti and J. M. Yeomans,
Adsorption transition of directed vesicles in two dimensions J. PhysA 26, 5705-5712 (1993).
Link to online article.
C. Micheletti, PhD Thesis, Oxford University (1996).
Supervisor: Dr. Julia M. Yeomans. Thesis Title: Models with competing interactions. Full text in PDF format (830 Kb).